Tuesday, 8 October 2024
Read this email or something terrible will happen.
<Unfortunately, this letter will divide your life into before and after.>
<However, the good news is that it will teach you a lot.>
<For example, what you can and can't do on the internet, how to treat your online security properly, and how not to leave digital footprints.>
<Most likely, you have heard about Russian hacker groups such as Cozy Bear, Killnet and others. Well, we work for them.>
<I hate to say it, but you have got in our mess.>
<In addition to our hacking activities, we are also running on the lookout for various suspicious online accounts that we would like to make money on.>
<We guess you are beginning to realize how we located you.>
<All normal people have their own sexual preferences.>
<However, what you are trying to find on the internet doesn't fit into any, even the loosest moral standards.>
<Now we have your search requests and your webcam footage while you are pleasuring yourself.>
<We set a timer for public release. Nevertheless, don't worry, there's good news also.>
<Money is our only interest. Even among us, there are some strange persons, but they bring us so much profit that we ignore their deviations.>
<In this case, YOU should bring us the profit. For $1350 you and us will forget about each other forever.>
<You have 48 hours from the moment you open this email to transfer this $1350. We will be notified when you read the letter.>
<Here is the address of the Bitcoin wallet you should use for the payment:>>> 1E3yQDCaMNe2NjanoM1nJtasUZy6Xkzg6z <<<
<Countdown has started, don't keep us waiting.>
<Otherwise, all your friends, colleagues and relatives will get a copy of your records: search history, webcam videos and even personal messages.>
<!Do not forward this message to anyone, including the police. Doing so will result in the automatic posting of all information about you. We monitor what you are doing.>
<!Do not reply to this message. It was sent from a disposable email account, you can't reply it, this email address is untraceable.>
<If you haven't used crypto before everything is simple. Just google it.>
<That's the end of our message. As they say, we hope for a fruitful cooperation. Otherwise, this will all end badly for you.>
<Goodbye, and hopefully this is our last interaction.>
<P. S. Remember for the future, the Internet is not some kind of a Wild West where you can do anything you want.>
<There is a wholesome shiver of hungry sharks searching for irresponsible persons like you.>
Thursday, 5 September 2024
For your own safety, I highly recommend reading this email.
You are in big trouble.
However, don't panic right away. Listen to me first, because there is always a way out.
You are now on the radar of an international group of hackers, and such things never end well for anyone.
I'm sure you've heard of Anonymous. Well, compared to us, they are a bunch of schoolboys.
We are a worldwide network of several thousand professionals, each with their own role.
Someone hacks corporate and government networks, someone cooperates with intelligence agencies on the most delicate tasks,
and someone (including me) deals with people like you to maintain the infrastructure of our group.
"What kind of people like me?" - that is the question you are probably asking yourself now.
The answer is simple: people who like to watch highly controversial and, shall we say,
unconventional pornography on the internet that most normal people would consider perverted.
But not you!
In order to leave you without any doubts, I'll explain how I found it out.
Two months ago, my colleagues and I installed spyware software on your computer and then gained access to all of your devices, including your phone.
It was easy - one of those many pop-ups on porn sites was our work.
I think you already understand that we would not write to an ordinary man who watches "vanilla" and even hardcore porn - there is nothing special about that.
But the things you're watching are beyond good and evil.
So after accessing your phone and computer cameras, we recorded you masturbating to extremely controversial videos.
There is a close-up footage of you and a little square on the right with the videos you're pleasing yourself.
However, as I said earlier, there is always a way out, because even the most degraded sinner deserves leniency.
You are lucky today because I am not a sadist who enjoys other people's suffering.
Only money matters to me.
Here is your salvation: you must transfer $1300 in Bitcoin to this BTC cryptocurrency wallet: 1JD7ozyCXkEforfPRv7m5WCFoAEf5BpMHQ
You have exactly 48 hours to make the payment, so think less, and do more.
As soon as I receive confirmation of the transaction, I will delete all compromising content and permanently disable our computer worm.
Believe me, I always abide by gentleman's agreements. Even with people who are hardly gentlemen. Because it's nothing personal, just business.
If I do not receive a payment, I will send all videos of you to every person in your contact list, messengers and email.
Relatives, loved ones, colleagues, friends-everyone you've ever been in contact with will receive them.
You understand perfectly well that you will never be able to wash this stain on your reputation.
Everyone will remember you as sick as fuck.
Your life will be completely ruined, and, most likely, only a tightened noose around your neck will be able to save the day.
If you haven't dealt with crypto before, I suppose it won't be difficult for you to figure it all out.
Simply type in the "crypto exchange" into the search bar and pay with a credit card. Besides, based on your browser history, you are a savvy user.
When you want to, you can dig into the darkest depths of the Internet, so I'm sure you will be able to find out what is what.
Here is what my colleagues and I should warn you against:
...Do not reply to this email. Do you really think we are so stupid to be tracked by an email address? This is a temporary disposable email.
As soon as I clicked "Send", it was gone for good.
...Forget about law-enforcement authorities. As soon as I see that you are trying to contact them, the compromising material will be published.
Remember, I have access to all your devices, and I can even track your movements.
...Do not reset your devices to factory settings and do not try to get rid of your devices.
It won't help in any way. Look above - my All-seeing eye is watching all your actions. It is easy to hunt you down.
I am sorry that we met in such circumstances. Probably, everything could be different if you had been more careful about what you are doing on the Internet.
Watch yourself from now on, because even such things that you previously considered insignificant can destroy your life in the future like a butterfly effect.
I hope this is goodbye forever. However, it depends on you.
P.S. The countdown is on. The choice is yours.
Sunday, 28 July 2024
Your account is hacked. Your data is stolen. Learn how to regain access.
> I am a hacker, and I have successfully gained access to your operating system.
> I also have full access to your account.
> I've been watching you for a few months now.
> The fact is that your computer has been infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.
> If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
> Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
> This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.
> I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.
> Why did your antivirus not detect malware?
> Answer: The malware I used is driver-based, I update its signatures every 4 hours. Hence your antivirus is unable to detect its presence.
> I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and the right half shows the video you were watching at the time.
> With one mouse click, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on your social networks.
> I can also make public all your e-mail correspondence and chat history on the messengers that you use.
> If you don't want this to happen, transfer $1390 in Bitcoin equivalent to my Bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, just search "buy bitcoin" on Google).
> My Bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 18bF61DzcK5ifmz5HpjQapDuGt1gdZMiq3
> After confirming your payment, I will delete the video immediately, and that's it. You will never hear from me again.
> I will give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay. I will get a notice, when you open this email, and the timer will start.
> Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my Bitcoin address.
> I never make any mistakes.
> If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.
> Best regards!
Sunday, 30 June 2024
I own very sensitive information about your web activities
First of all, let me tell you, you are one of a kind!<br>
It is hard to impress me because I have seen a lot in my career as a professional hacker but now I am really impressed. <br>
I will get straight to the point. Listen to me carefully. <br>
Several months ago, <br>
I was able to hack your operating system and gain full access to all your devices and accounts including messengers, social media profiles, etc. <br>
I hope, now you begin to get my message. <br>
It goes without saying that I gained access to what you type via keylogger, your internet activity and webcam streaming. <br>
All of this was possible due to your frequent visits to adult websites infected with harmful malware. <br>
In other words, you were under my microscope for many days like some kind of a little bug.<br>
The only difference is that unlike you there is no bug in the world who like to watch pervert porn. <br>
Yes, you understand it right: I was able to see everything on your screen and record video and audio streams of your camera and microphone. <br>
All of these records are currently securely saved on my storage as well as a backup copy. <br>
In addition, I also gained access to your confidential information contained in your emails and chat messages.<br>
Probably you are wondering why your antivirus and spyware defender software allowed me to do all of this? <br>
I am sorry but it's a very stupid question. All antivirus programs turned into useless shit quite a long time ago. <br>
Have you ever heard last years about any "advanced" new technologies in this industry? <br>
Exactly. Nowadays, developers do not give a flying fuck about your security. Therefore, hackers like me took advantage of it. <br>
The more you know my friend, no need to thank me. <br>
Maybe with this fresh knowledge, you will be more serious about your internet security and never take it for granted anymore. <br>
With that out of the way, let's cut to the chase. Using your recordings I made a video compilation, <br>
which shows on the left side the controversial porn scenes of you happily masturbating to, <br>
while on the right side it demonstrates the video you were watching at that moment.. ^.^<br>
There are only 48 hours left since the moment you receive this email until I send this video to all your email and messenger contacts. <br>
But there is more, guess what? I can also make public all your emails and chat history.<br>
You are sick fuck in love with freaky adult content but you are not mentally retarted so I would like to believe, you do not want to let this happen. <br>
Right? Only the most stupid man in the world would be happy if his friends, loved ones and colleagues suddenly knew about something like this. <br>
In other words, there is no way back. It cannot be fixed. However, there is a way forward that both of us can benefit from. <br>
I am a reasonable guy and have no intention to ruin your life for nothing. I'd better like to gain something instead. <br>
Here is your salvation - transfer the Bitcoin equivalent of 1280 USD to my Bitcoin account<br>
(you can google the process in case you don't know how to do that).<br>
Here is my Bitcoin address: 16UqxYLX49MkFkgqsj1NcKiNVQMRCL8pnp<br>
Once I am notified of receiving it, I will delete all those videos and disappear from your life for good.<br>
As I mentioned, you have only 48 hours to make a transaction after you open this email.<br>
Believe me, I am always one step ahead so no way in hell you could fool me. <br>
If I discover that you shared this message with others, I will send and publish your videos in no time.<br>
P.S. It's in your power to make it nice for both of us.
Wednesday, 24 April 2024
Security status not satisfied.
Firstly, I already know you and all your loved ones very well.
Secondly, the occasion for which I'm writing to you is not the happiest one for a friendly greeting.
You've heard that the Internet is a dangerous place, infested with malicious links and hackers like me?
Of course, you've heard, but what's the point in it if you are so dismissive of your internet security and don't care what websites you visit?
Times have changed. You read about AI, judging by your browser history, and still didn't understand anything?
Technologies have stepped far forward, and now hackers like me use artificial intelligence.
Thanks to it, I can get not only access to your webcam and record your fun with highly controversial video
(I recorded it also, but now that's not the point), but also to all your devices and not only yours.
And I saved a special sauce for this dish. I went further and sent malicious links to all your contacts from your account.
Yes, someone was smarter and realized that this was a trap and you were hacked, but believe me,
about 70% of your contact list (and these are your friends, colleagues, and family) bought into my scam.
They have as many skeletons in their closet as you do. Some turn out to be hidden homosexuals...
I have accumulated and analyzed a huge amount of compromising data on you and those with whom you communicate.
Very soon I'll start a crossfire - everyone will receive the full history of correspondence
(and there are enough of "sensitive moments") and recordings from the other contact's webcam.
I can go further and put all these files, as well as the recorded fun of you and your hacked contacts with "hardcore videos" into the public domain.
You can imagine, it will be a real sensation!
And everyone will understand where it came from - from you.
For all your contacts and, you will be enemy number one. Even your relatives will take a long time to forgive you and forget such a family shame...
It will be the real end of the world. The only difference is that there will be not four horsemen of the apocalypse, but only one - (=
But there is no such thing as a completely black stripe without any white dots.
Luckily for you, in my case the "Three M Rule" comes into play - Money, Money and Money again.
I'm not interested in your worthless life, I'm interested in people from whom I can profit.
And today you are one of them.
That's why: Transfer $1390 in Bitcoin to: 1PPJpvSPbbMwbESJZXGS8VtKiFQkmm7DvK ...within 48 hours!
You don't know how to use cryptocurrencies? Use Google, everything is simple.
Once payment is received, I will delete all information associated with you and you will never hear from me again.
Remember one thing: my crypto address is anonymous, and I generated this letter in your mailbox and sent it to you.
You can call the cops, do whatever you want - they won't find me, my demands won't change, but you'll just waste precious time.
The clock is ticking. Tick tock, a minute out of 48 hours has passed right now. An hour will soon pass, and in two days your old life will pass forever.
Either goodbye forever (if I get my payment), or hello to a brave new world in which there will be no place for you.
Hasta La Vista, Baby!
P.S. Almost forgot. Finally learn what incognito tabs, two-factor authentication, and the TOR browser are, for God's sake!
Friday, 5 April 2024
I hope this email finds you well.
I am pleased to share our line of home sauna boxes with you. My name is Iris, and I have over 5 years of experience in the field of home sauna products. I can provide various types or customized versions of sauna boxes to enhance your store offerings.
Here are my advantages:
1.Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ): 1 unit
2.Customizable sizes and shapes
3.Fast delivery: approximately 3-5 days
4.Negotiable pricing
5.Collaboration with multiple factories, ensuring alternatives are readily available if needed.
6.Order tracking for timely deliveries
7.Customizable packaging options, offering more cost-effective and superior alternatives to factory-standard packaging
8.Production scheduling
9.Quality inspection, including random checks to eliminate defective products
10.Shipping arrangements
11.Post-sales follow-up
12.Development of hot-selling products
If you would like to learn more, please feel free to contact me anytime.
Best regards,
WhatsApp: +86 147 1496 9186
Shih Jung smiled. "With the terms of friendship," he added, "which have existed for so many generations (between our families), is there any need for such apologies?"
"But you have accepted him. I didn't ask you to take him. You don't want to go into a workhouse, I suppose?"
At Mr. Justice Hare's gate they encountered that gentleman, who appeared to be standing there to give himself an airing. William caught sight of Mrs. Hare seated on the garden bench, outside the window, and ran to kiss her. All the children loved Mrs. Hare. The justice was looking—not pale; that would not be a term half strong enough: but yellow. The curls of his best wig were limp, and all his pomposity appeared to have gone out of him.
"You have been a dear good child," he said, as he rose, and looked over my head at Firm. "My own granddarter, if such there had been, could not have done more to comfort me, nor half so much, for aught I know. There is no picking and choosing among the females, as God gives them. But he has given you for a blessing and saving to my old age, my dearie."
"Frank Greystock will understand you," said Lizzie. It was indeed true that Lucy did understand something of her wealthy friend's character, and was almost ashamed of the friendship. With Lizzie Greystock she had never sympathised, and Lizzie Eustace had always been distasteful to her. She already felt that the less she should see of Lizzie Fawn the better she should like it.
All Mr. Gundry's strengthening piles and shores were as firm as need be, and the clear blue water played around them as if they were no constraint to it. And none but a practiced eye could see that the great wheel had been wounded, being undershot, and lifted now above the power of the current, according to the fine old plan of locking the door when the horse is gone.
"No, sir," said Manoel. "But you?"
"Sir," she began. "Miss Carlyle tells me that there is going to be a change at East Lynne."
This person was, in fact, one whose name was Chia Se; a grandson likewise of a main branch of the Ning mansion. His parents had died at an early period, and he had, ever since his youth, lived with Chia Chen. He had at this time grown to be sixteen years of age, and was, as compared with Chia Jung, still more handsome and good looking. These two cousins were united by ties of the closest intimacy, and were always together, whether they went out or stayed at home.
Richard complied by putting his hat on his head, pulling it so low that it touched his nose. He felt himself safer in it. Mr. Carlyle showed him into Mr. Dill's room, and then turned the key upon him, and put it in his pocket. Whether this precautionary measure was intended to prevent any possibility of Captain Thorn's finding his way in, or of Richard's finding his way out, was best known to himself.
"Oh, I hardly know," she sighed. "Trying the new piano, and looking at my watch, wishing the time would go quicker, that you might come home. The ponies and carriage have arrived, Archibald."
"Are you mad? You've filled my eyes, nose, and mouth with snow. What is it?"
"And the police were pursuing the men for many weeks?"
"That was always her way. She was never gay and cheery like other girls. I have never known her once to be what you would call happy."
This was the end of the filing of that bill in Chancery as to which Mr. Camperdown had been so very enthusiastic! Now it certainly was the case that poor Lord Fawn in his conduct toward Lizzie had trusted greatly to the support of Mr. Camperdown's legal proceeding. The world could hardly have expected him to marry a woman against whom a bill in Chancery was being carried on for the recovery of diamonds which did not belong to her. But that support was now altogether withdrawn from him. It was acknowledged that the necklace was not an heirloom, clearly acknowledged by Mr. Camperdown! And even Mr. Camperdown would not express an opinion that the lady had stolen her own diamonds.
"My dear, he never walks with any body but myself!"
"Mrs. Hsüeh," interposed lady Feng smiling, "mind you don't forget it! But you might as well weigh fifty taels this very moment, and hand them over to me to keep, until the first fall of snow, when I can get everything ready for the banquet. In this way, you will neither have anything to bother you, aunt, nor will you have a chance of forgetting."
Mr. Carlyle left her and her grumbling to return to the office. Lord Mount Severn's carriage was passing at the moment, and Isabel Vane was within it. She caused it to stop when she saw Mr. Carlyle, and he advanced to her.
"For the last week or two he has fancied strange things, the effect of a diseased appetite," exclaimed Madame Vine; "but if I allow them to be brought in he barely tastes them."
"My dear woman," rejoined Mrs. Chao, "Not let her have her own way! why, is it likely that any one would have the courage to tell her anything?"
"If only," smiled Pao-ch'ai, at these words, "you could be as painstaking as she is, what a good thing it would be. And would you fail to attain success in anything you might take up?"
"Fill the cups too of your female cousins, senior or junior," dowager lady Chia went on to tell Pao-yü. "And you mayn't pour the wine anyhow. Each of you must swallow every drop of your drinks."
The waiting-maid was standing, leaning against the door, so readily she suggested the word "door."
"Oh, that weary India Office!" exclaimed "Lizzie.
We may confess, however, that in forbidding him to use his gun Minha had imposed on him a genuine privation. There was no lack of game in the woods, and several magnificent opportunities he had declined with regret.
The man was panting with his labor, and seemed to be in a vile temper too. He did not swear, but made low noises full of disappointment. And then he caught up his tool, with a savage self-control, and fell to again.
"Ah, you are a sly one; you are, Carlyle. Remember how sly you were over your first——" marriage, Justice Hare was going to bring out, but it suddenly occurred to him that all circumstances considered, it was not precisely the topic to recall to Mr. Carlyle. So he stopped himself in the utterance, coughed, and went on again. "There you go, over to see Sir John Dobede, not to see Sir John, but paying court to Miss Dobede."
Manoel and Benito had gone shooting in the neighborhood, and brought back some feathered game, which was well received in the larder. At the same time they had got an animal of whom a naturalist would have made more than did the cook.
However, this went by, and so did many other things, though heavily laden with grief and death; and the one thing we learned was to disbelieve ninety-nine out of every hundred. Letters for the Sawyer were dispatched by me to every likely place for him, and advertisements put into countless newspapers, but none of them seemed to go near him. Old as he was, he avoided feather-beds, and roamed like a true Californian. But at last I found him, in a sad, sad way.
"Would it indeed? Did you not think Mr. Emilius very clever when you met him down here?"
"What's your name?" Pao-yü eagerly inquired.
"Now don't be excited, Erema, if you please. What will you give me to tell you who it is?"
After they had also been a considerable time on the way, she suddenly caught sight, at the northern end of the street, of two huge squatting lions of marble and of three lofty gates with (knockers representing) the heads of animals. In front of these gates, sat, in a row, about ten men in coloured hats and fine attire. The main gate was not open. It was only through the side gates, on the east and west, that people went in and came out. Above the centre gate was a tablet. On this tablet were inscribed in five large characters —"The Ning Kuo mansion erected by imperial command."
Chia Cheng and the others could not even conceive what omen this summons implied, but he had no alternative but to change his clothes with all haste and to present himself at Court, while dowager lady Chia and the inmates of the whole household were, in their hearts, a prey to such perplexity and uncertainty that they incessantly despatched messengers on flying steeds to go and bring the news.
"Seven and three-quarter bushels of barley, at five and ninepence a bushel, Mary," said the Major, pulling out a pocket-book; "besides Indian corn, chopped meat, and potatoes."
"The poor fellow, who was now wide awake, was told about what had passed. He warmly thanked Lina for the good idea she had had of following the liana, and they all started on the road to the fazenda, where Fragoso was received in a way that gave him neither wish nor want to try his wretched task again.
"Sir Peter said you declined to receive him. But it is necessary that he should come to England, if his affairs are to be set straight, and also that he should see Sir Peter."
THE WARRANT against Joam Dacosta, alias Joam Garral, had been issued by the assistant of Judge Ribeiro, who filled the position of the magistrate in the province of Amazones, until the nomination of the successor of the late justice.
Bones, white and bleached, in nameless hill-like mounds are flung,
"I might almost say I am sure."
He then gave utterance to the four lines that follow:
"Her face, I mean," he said, still dreaming.
"No objection at all," replied the stranger. "My name is Torres."
"And so, when we first met Torres in the forest of Iquitos, his plan had already been formed to enter into communication with my father?"
The dew, blown on the t'ung tree by the well, doth wet the roosting rooks.
"Your niece needn't either return home," dowager lady Chia observed to Madame Hsing. "Let her spend a few days in the garden and see the place before she goes."
Mrs. Carlyle was astonished. Why should her communication have produced this effect upon Madame Vine? A renewed suspicion that she knew more of Francis Levison than she would acknowledge, stole over her.
Chui Erh greeted this response with a smile. "Many are the times," she said; "that she has asked me whether I had seen her handkerchief; but have I got all that leisure to worry my mind about such things? She spoke to me about it again to-day; and she suggested that I should find it for her, and that she would also recompense me. This she told me when we were just now at the entrance of the Heng Wu court, and you too, Mr. Secundus, overheard her, so that I'm not lying. But, dear Mr. Secundus, since you've picked it up, give it to me. Do! And I'll see what she will give me as a reward."
But without any further reference to her, we will now take up our story with Pao-yü. As soon as he saw Madame Wang awake, his spirits were crushed. All alone he hastily made his way into the Ta Kuan garden. Here his attention was attracted by the ruddy sun, shining in the zenith, the shade of the trees extending far and wide, the song of the cicadas, filling the ear; and by a perfect stillness, not even broken by the echo of a human voice. But the instant he got near the trellis, with the cinnamon roses, the sound of sobs fell on his ear. Doubts and surmises crept into Pao-yü's mind, so halting at once, he listened with intentness. Then actually he discerned some one on the off-side of the trellis. This was the fifth moon, the season when the flowers and foliage of the cinnamon roses were in full bloom. Furtively peeping through an aperture in the fence, Pao-yü saw a young girl squatting under the flowers and digging the ground with a hair-pin she held in her hand. As she dug, she silently gave way to tears.
Johnson shook his head sadly, and fell into a silent reverie, which Bell did not interrupt. He knew that their stock of grease would not last more than a week with the strictest economy.
Yes. Pacing the covered walk in her bonnet and mantle, as if taking an evening stroll—had any one encountered her, which was very unlikely, seeing that it was the most retired spot in the grounds—was Mrs. Carlyle.
And then there was something said as to their own prospects in life. Lucy at once and with vehemence declared that she did not look for or expect an immediate marriage. She did not scruple to tell him that she knew well how difficult was the task before him, and that it might be essential for his interest that he should remain as he was for a year or two. He was astonished to find how completely she understood his position, and how thoroughly she sympathised with his interests. "There is only one thing I couldn't do for you," she said.
The ministry were in a minority on the Irish Church on April 2, the day on which Mr. Ferrars arrived in town. They did not resign, but the attack was to be repeated in another form on the 6th. During the terrible interval Mr. Ferrars made distracted visits to Downing Street, saw secretaries of state, who sympathised with him not withstanding their own chagrin, and was closeted daily and hourly with under-secretaries, parliamentary and permanent, who really alike wished to serve him. But there was nothing to be had. He was almost meditating taking Sierra Leone, or the Gold Coast, when the resignation of Sir Robert Peel was announced. At the last moment, there being, of course, no vacancy in the Foreign Office, or the Treasury, he obtained from Barron an appointment for Endymion, and so, after having left Hurstley five months before to become Governor–General of India, this man, "who had claims," returned to his mortified home with a clerkship for his son in a second-rate government office.
Goody Liu felt constrained to edge herself forward. "Gentlemen," she ventured, "may happiness betide you!"
"That you are absolutely bound to do," I answered, as forcibly as I could. "Duty to your former master and to me, his only child — and to yourself, and your Maker too — compel you, Jacob Rigg, to tell me every thing you know."
"There is nothing to forgive, Erema; but a great deal I never can hope to forgot."
Frederic's face had become very long, and he was much disturbed in his mind. He could only suggest that he himself would go and see Mr. Camperdown and ascertain what ought to be done. To the last he adhered to his assurance that Mr. Camperdown could do no evil; till Lizzie, in her wrath, asked him whether he believed Mr. Camperdown's word before hers. "I think he would understand a matter of business better than you," said the prudent lover.
Numerous traces of bears and foxes crossed their path, but not an animal was seen that day. It would have been dangerous and useless to hunt them, as the sledge was sufficiently freighted. Generally in this sort of excursion travellers leave provision-stores along their route; they place them in hiding-places of snow, out of reach of animals; unload during the journey, and take up the provisions on their return. But Hatteras could not venture to do this on moveable ice-fields, and the uncertainty of the route made the return the same way exceedingly problematic. At noon Hatteras caused his little troop to halt under shelter of an ice-wall. Their breakfast consisted of pemmican and boiling tea; the latter beverage comforted the cold wayfarers. They set out again after an hour's rest. The first day they walked about twenty miles, and in the evening both men and dogs were exhausted. However, notwithstanding their fatigue, they were obliged to construct a snow-house in which to pass the night. It took about an hour and a half to build. Bell showed himself very skilful. The ice-blocks were cut out and placed above one another in the form of a dome; a large block at the top made the vault. Snow served for mortar and filled up the chinks. It soon hardened and made a single block of the entire structure. It was reached by a narrow opening, through which the doctor squeezed himself painfully, and the others followed him. The supper was rapidly prepared with spirits of wine. The interior temperature of the snow-house was bearable, as the wind which raged outside could not penetrate. When their repast, which was always the same, was over, they began to think of sleep. A mackintosh was spread over the floor and kept them from the damp. Their stockings and shoes were dried by the portable grate, and then three of the travellers wrapped themselves up in their blankets, leaving the fourth to keep watch; he watched over the common safety, and prevented the opening getting blocked up, for if it did they would be buried alive.
Firm, who had little faith in the nugget, but took it for a dream of mine, and had proved conclusively from his pillow that it could not exist in earnest, now with a gentle, satirical smile declared his anxiety to see it; and I led him along by his better arm, faster, perhaps, than he ought to have walked.
Her resolution shamed him. He rose to her level, in spite of himself.
That great squall was either a whirlwind or the crowning blast of a hurricane. It beat the high waves hollow, as if it fell from the sky upon them; and it snapped off one of our oars at the hilt, so that two of our men rolled backward. And when we were able to look about again the whole roof of "Desolate Hole" was gone, and little of the walls left standing. And how we should guide our course, or even save our lives, we knew not.
"I dessay. I dessay. But have you got the pluck, miss? Our little missy would 'a done more than that. But come to be great lady — why, they take another tune. With much mind, of course it might be otherwise. But none of 'em have any much of that to spare."
"Rely upon it; it came direct from the Cottage to my friend."
Lady Mount Severn grew pale with anger. She rose from her seat and confronted her husband, the table being between them. "Listen, Raymond; I will not have Isabel Vane under my roof. I hate her. How could you be cajoled into sanctioning such a thing?"
"Seeing that you know so much," Pao-yü remarked with a smiling face, "you can dispense with reading poetical works, for you're not far off from proficiency. To hear you expatiate on these two lines, makes it evident to my mind that you've even got at their secret meaning."
During the night before the arrival of the raft at Manaos Judge Ribeiro was seized with an attack of apoplexy. But the denunciation of Torres, whose scheme of extortion had collapsed in face of the noble anger of his victim, had produced its effect. Joam Dacosta was arrested in the bosom of his family, and his old advocate was no longer in this world to defend him!
"I'm glad there's something. What is the amount?"
"You verily do foolish things!" Tai-yü and T'an Ch'un exclaimed with one voice, at these words. "But not to mention that they were doggerel lines, had they even been anything like what verses should be, our writings shouldn't have been hawked about outside."
The parrot in the golden cage doth shout that it is time the tea to brew.
"You would make a very good prime minister, Berengaria."
"In the next place, what does your grandson wish?"
"All we country-people know," old goody Liu proceeded, also laughing, "is just what comes within our own rough-and-ready wits, so young ladies and ladies pray don't poke fun at me!"
陆丰叹息一声骂道:"艹他妈的, 我也是贱了,红山寺原本有个庙会,去五区半个月,都给我发邀请函了,我懒了……就没去……。"
Thursday, 14 March 2024
Familiarize yourself with the factual points of your case.
Unfortunately, the fact that our paths have crossed doesn't mean anything good for you.
I have some good news and bad news.
I'll start with the bad news.
While you were surfing porn sites, I managed to install a spyware using your browser.
It has gained access to your webcam, your browser history, and all your devices, not just your computer.
This alone wouldn't be a problem if only I wasn't particularly interested in your love of the very controversial genre of pornography.
You know what I mean. I saved a backup copy of your webcam and screen recordings as you enjoy jerking off to these videos.
The video on the left shows a recording of your screen with the clip, while the one on the right shows you in real time.
There is no need to feel sorry for yourself or blame me for the situation - the fault here is yours alone because if you gaze into a dark abyss for too long,
this darkness eventually will come knocking at your door.
You should even be grateful to fate that I'm the only one who discovered your unhealthy obsession and not your friends, family and colleagues.
And this is where I get to the essence of my message - I can easily organize this. Everyone you know, love and cherish,
everyone you've spent years building your reputation as a respectable and honorable person in front of,
will get a copy of the video of you self-pleasing yourself while watching these controversial videos.
All of your email and messengers contacts will get these videos at the same time.
You will have nothing left but to move to another city, and perhaps even another country, to get rid of the sick guy trail that will be running behind you.
However, this also might not help. As they say, the Internet remembers everything.
There's a good chance you will have to deal with the consequences for the rest of your life, despite your efforts to clear your name.
Now, as I promised, the good news.
I have a win-win solution for both you and me.
You regain your old free life and I make a small profit.
You should transfer $1340 to my Bitcoin wallet: 17aB5wwDJ6EGdzzMgp3Y5deKCrqe7ga3qR
If you are unfamiliar with cryptocurrency, it's simple.
Type "crypto exchange" into the search engine and choose the option that suits you.
You can think of me as a kind of your life coach because if I didn't show up in your life,
you would continue to lead the same destructive lifestyle as before.
So I kind of did you a favor, and favors are never free.
I must warn you not to do something stupid that you might do due to your lack of experience, such as:
; Contacting law enforcement.
I'm untraceable anyway, because cryptocurrencies are anonymous and I have access to all your devices,
so as soon as I notice you trying to do something like this, the compromising clips will be made public.
; Negotiating with me by responding to this letter. My demands are ultimatums.
I generated this letter using your own email client, therefore it is impossible to contact me!
; Resetting, reinstalling your system or destroying your devices won't help you.
I repeat: I have access to them and if I notice such activity, hasta la vista, baby.
I wish you all the best and especially get rid of your "interesting" habits.
Then you will not only no longer encounter people like me, but you will also be able to reach a new quality level in your self-development.
P.S. A little friendly advice: from now on, take what you do online more seriously.
Wednesday, 31 January 2024
A new payment schedule has been approved.
I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you. However, you can benefit from it, if you will act wisely.
Have you heard of Pegasus?
This is a spyware program that installs on computers and smartphones and allows hackers to monitor the activity of device owners.
It provides access to your webcam, messengers, emails, call records, etc. It works well on Android, iOS, and Windows.
I guess, you already figured out where I'm getting at.
It's been a few months since I installed it on all your devices because you were not quite choosy about what links to click on the internet.
During this period, I've learned about all aspects of your private life, but one is of special significance to me.
I've recorded many videos of you jerking off to highly controversial porn videos.
Given that the "questionable" genre is almost always the same, I can conclude that you have sick perversion.
I doubt you'd want your friends, family and co-workers to know about it. However, I can do it in a few clicks.
Every number in your contact book will suddenly receive these videos - on WhatsApp, on Telegram, on Skype, on email - everywhere.
It is going to be a tsunami that will sweep away everything in its path, and first of all, your former life.
Don't think of yourself as an innocent victim. No one knows where your perversion might lead in the future, so consider this a kind of deserved punishment to stop you.
Better late than never.
I'm some kind of God who sees everything.
However, don't panic. As we know, God is merciful and forgiving, and so do I.
But my mercy is not free.
Transfer $1490 USD to my bitcoin wallet: 1E3mVbLSLLUgdmrp8GV5RRu1Qz5FkWs4rJ
Once I receive confirmation of the transaction, I will permanently delete all videos compromising you,
uninstall Pegasus from all of your devices, and disappear from your life. You can be sure - my benefit is only money.
Otherwise, I wouldn't be writing to you, but destroy your life without a word in a second.
I'll be notified when you open my email, and from that moment you have exactly 48 hours to send the money.
If cryptocurrencies are unchartered waters for you, don't worry, it's very simple.
Just google "crypto exchange" and then it will be no harder than buying some useless stuff on Amazon.
I strongly warn you against the following:
) Do not reply to this email. I sent it from a temp email so I am untraceable.
) Do not contact the police. I have access to all your devices, and as soon as I find out you ran to the cops, videos will be published.
) Don't try to reset or destroy your devices.
As I mentioned above: I'm monitoring all your activity, so you either agree to my terms or the videos are published.
Also, don't forget that cryptocurrencies are anonymous, so it's impossible to identify me using the provided address.
Good luck, my perverted friend. I hope this is the last time we hear from each other.
And some friendly advice: from now on, don't be so careless about your online security.
Saturday, 6 January 2024
I strongly recommend you check the information in this email.
I am sorry, but I have to start with the bad news.
A few months ago, I gained access to your account linked to OS, and therefore to all the devices you use for internet browsing.
Then it was easy for me to install special software on all your devices that tracked your every keystroke and mouse movement.
After that, gaining access to your personal e-mail skiweardale.snowreports@blogger.com was no longer a problem.
I'm not a genius or a brilliant hacker. You are just completely careless about digital hygiene and internet safety.
You seem to be completely unaware of incognito tabs, VPN, TOR, and clicking on suspicious email links.
And here is the point of my email - I have accessed not only your browser history and files but also your webcam.
Not only did I record you pleasuring yourself watching a video of highly controversial content, but I also got all your digital conversations.
Lest you think it's some fake editing, some of the footage of you is duplicated from several of your devices.
Everything you value - your friends', coworkers', and family's opinion of you - is jeopardized.
You've spent a long time building your reputation as a decent and responsible person.
Neither you nor I want to destroy it in one click.
The click which will send everyone you know, love and respect a questionable video with you and the most "remarkable" records from your browser history.
I hope you've begun to realize that I can turn your former life into shame and embarrassment in one moment.
However, I am a rational person and I don't want to make anyone suffer for the sake of suffering, so we can make a deal.
You need to transfer $1450 USD bitcoin equivalent to this BTC crypto wallet: 1PzZ3jX1zrGov2qyrMB8x3fKCrfxvTU2Tx
It's a very small amount for not losing the reputation you've been developing for years, maybe even decades.
Once I receive payment, I will delete all materials once and for all.
Since I monitor all your PC and mobile activity, I'll notice when you send the payment as well as when you read this email.
You have 48 hours to make a payment, starting from the moment you open this e-mail.
I'm a man of my word, you can trust me, otherwise, I would have published it long time ago. Some advice in advance:
- Don't reply to this letter. This email was sent from a randomly generated address.
- Don't call the police or any other authorities. As soon as I notice you're trying to contact them,
the videos will be published online. In addition to that, crypto wallets are anonymous, so no one will ever track me.
- Don't try to reinstall your system or reset your device. As I mentioned, as soon as I get a notification of such activity, I will post all the materials.
I'm sorry that we had to meet under such circumstances, but fate is fate.
Adios, senor. I hope this is the last time we interact.
P.S. Kind reminder: please be more careful about your internet security from now on, and then you will never run into such situations.