Saturday, 14 January 2017

Snow report

The Weardale ski club ltd

A good day was had by about 30 members today. Although the surrounding fells looked pretty bare the fencing on F1 did a great job (Thanks to all those who helped to replace it on the work parties) and retained about 4 inches of snow east of it which lasted until we closed at about 2pm. Conditions initially were heavy but improved and the sun shone all day. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

There was a minor accident on the road today - on the last climb from the bridge a car stopped then slid back on the ice and collided with a stone wall and had to be towed out. It is a reminder that the road conditions can get tricky and if in doubt it is well worth putting on chains if it looks icy. If you do decide to put chains on please do so before you hit the icy patches and ensure that you pull off the road so as not to block anyone else.

Tomorrow rain and milder weather forecast so we will not be opening until we get more snow.


Friday, 13 January 2017

Skiing Saturday 14th Jan

The Weardale Ski Club Ltd

There has been a some fresh snow overnight but due to the high winds a lot has blown off. Looking at the webcams F1 looks skiable on the tow-line and there may be other drifts that we can use but currently F2 looks too bare to ski. We are planning to open tomorrow from 9:30am but if you do attend expect limited skiing and probably just F1 unless we get more snow. It is very likely that we will close early so do not aim to arrive after 1pm or you may find nobody there!
At the moment I have no information on the road conditions so suggest arrive no earlier than 9:30 to allow us to assess the road and clear a route up if needed.
Weekend skiing is for members only so please remember to bring your membership card and show it to a tow operator before skiing.
Keep a watch on the new webcams at 

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Lack of snow

The Weardale Ski Club Ltd

Once again the weathermen appear to have overstated the amount of snow forecast and although we have had snow today in Weardale there is currently not enough to open the lifts. There is some snow forecast overnight but with gale force winds tomorrow it is not looking promising. Saturday looks like a nice day so if we do get more snow there is a possibility we may open then. 
Please keep an eye on the webcams, Twitter, Facebook, Answerphone or simply look out of your window if you live nearby! I will send out an email if things change.


Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Snow forecast

The Weardale Ski Club Ltd

Happy New Year to everyone. As you will no doubt have heard from the news there is significant snowfall predicted in the coming days but what they are not clear about is where the snow will fall. It seems Scotland and the Western part of Northern England will get the bulk of it and we in Weardale are going to get some but the amount varies from report to report.

We are ready to open if and when we do get snow and I will try and email when we get sufficient to ski on but this is an ideal time to have a look at our new website which has been completely redesigned by Steve Luard and Darren Sharman and is now much more mobile friendly. We also now have 2 new webcams as well as live weather information from our own weather station at the club hut so you can literally sit at home and see exactly what the weather is like at Swinhope. We also have an answerphone (01388 317767) which gives up to date snow conditions and information about the access road if known and we also have a Weardale Ski Club Facebook account and also a Twitter account (link from website) so hopefully you have no excuses for now knowing when we are opening.

Membership is nearly but not quite full and we have a few places left. Please note that weekends are reserved for members only but we do allow day members to ski on weekdays when we open. Day membership forms can be downloaded from the website or here ( and annual membership can be obtained here ( Annual membership costs £48 for an adult and we then give a £10 discount each year if you renew.
