AGM - this years AGM is being held on Monday 11 November at 7:30pm at the Honest Lawyer in Durham. You are all welcome. We are keen to have another slide show/talk etc like last year which proved very popular so if anyone has any ideas or has a presentation they are prepared to give that is relevant then please let me know.
Grant application - we have applied for a grant to get some equipment to help with snow fencing (deisel post hammer, augur etc) and the decision whether we get it depends on the number of votes we get. Voting takes place between 10am and 2pm in Wolsingham on Saturday 2 November and any member of the public can turn up and vote so if you are in and around the area then please try and pop in and vote for us. I will send an email out a few days before with more precise details
Finally there is a new electronic ski magazine being launched which may be of interst to some of you - you can see it on and can sign up to receive it free if you want.