The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
The good news is that we have stacks of beautiful fresh powder snow and it is set to last for some time. The bad news is that the road has completely filled in and the snow plough only managed to get about 100m past Glenwhelt Farm and couldn't get any further due to the drifts of over 6 foot in places attached are a couple of photos just above Glenwhelt (the farm at the bottom of the long hill up to where it levels off). I have spoken to the snowplough driver and they will try again once the winds drop but it will need to be dug out and if the wind persists it is pointless as it will just fill in again. We are therefore
not planning to open on Sunday or Monday but hopefully by Tuesday + Wednesday when the wind is predicted to start easing we may open. If things change in the meantime we will update the answerphone and this email. We may try and walk in tomorrow to get some pisting done as there must be huge drifts behind some of the snow fencing.
Frustrating I know but out of our hands. Yad Moss are hoping to open tomorrow from 10:30 if the roads are open.Currently however I believe all the roads from Weardale to Teesdale are closed so you will have to go the long way round.
When we do finally open can I send a message out to all snowboarders about the tows. Being a snowboarder myself (currently reformed and back on skis) I appreciate that our tows are difficult to master on a board but it is very important to try and keep to the tow line and not veer out too far to the side. There is a real risk of pulling the rope of the runners, especially if there are several boarders in quick succession, so please try and stay as close to the tow line as possible. We will do our best to flatten the towline to make it easier. If the rope does come off it is a big inconvenience at best but at worst is potentially dangerous.
