The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
The snow apparently was great today and a lot faster than yesterday. Not quite as many people turned up but it was still very busy with someone driving up from Oxford and others from further afield as well - hows that for enthusiasm - hope you all enjoyed it would love some feedback from anyone who travelled that far. Whilst on the subject of travelling that far, when we recently applied for a grant to help with the purchase of the pistebasher we had to try and demonstrate that our ski club not only brings visitors into the area but also encourages use of local B+Bs etc. If anyone has travelled up for the purpose of skiing and stayed locally (Weardale or Teesdale) can you please drop me an email for our figures?
Although the snow is still very good we are getting very thin on tow operators and also the forecast for tomorrow is poor with strong winds and snow so we are NOT planning to open on Friday but hope to open on Saturday. I will be away for a week from tomorrow so no more emails until I return so please use the answerphone (01388 527527).
ps the parking was great today - thanks to everyone!
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
skiing report 23 Jan
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
Approximately 250 people attended today and enjoyed the snow. I haven't heard first hand what conditions were like but there are plans to open up again tomorrow (Thursday) from 10am. The last mile of the road is still difficult and 4wd or chains will be essential. Do not attempt the road without either or you may just end up stuck and causing problems.
Can the idiot who blocked the fell gate please not park there again as this is the only access for emergency services if we have a seriously injured skier - remember it could be you. If the emergency services need to access the fell and a car is blocking the entrance it will be removed and and quite likely be damaged in the process but more seriously for others it could delay access to an injured skier. Please please please park sensibly and DO NOT BLOCK ANY ENTRANCES. I apologise to the 249 sensible skiers for sounding off like this and I do realise that sometimes there are not enough spaces to park but if that is the case you will simply have to drive back down the road, dig in somewhere safe and walk back. I am not just in a bad mood because I had to work today and tomorrow honestly!
Again we welcome day members tomorrow and once again can any day member please print off and complete the form from the website and bring it along with the correct payment.
Approximately 250 people attended today and enjoyed the snow. I haven't heard first hand what conditions were like but there are plans to open up again tomorrow (Thursday) from 10am. The last mile of the road is still difficult and 4wd or chains will be essential. Do not attempt the road without either or you may just end up stuck and causing problems.
Can the idiot who blocked the fell gate please not park there again as this is the only access for emergency services if we have a seriously injured skier - remember it could be you. If the emergency services need to access the fell and a car is blocking the entrance it will be removed and and quite likely be damaged in the process but more seriously for others it could delay access to an injured skier. Please please please park sensibly and DO NOT BLOCK ANY ENTRANCES. I apologise to the 249 sensible skiers for sounding off like this and I do realise that sometimes there are not enough spaces to park but if that is the case you will simply have to drive back down the road, dig in somewhere safe and walk back. I am not just in a bad mood because I had to work today and tomorrow honestly!
Again we welcome day members tomorrow and once again can any day member please print off and complete the form from the website and bring it along with the correct payment.
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Imortant message for skiers Wednesday 23 Jan
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
I have just been informed that the snow plough will be coming through late morning on Wednesday and will plough the top car park so PLEASE DO NOT PARK THERE until he has been and ploughed it. Please park in the lower car park and you will need to make sure you have left enough space for the snow plough to get through otherwise I am informed he will tow the offending car out! The plough will be travelling from Teesdale across to Weardale so has no option but to get through.
Mike has spent the day pisting the slopes and reports masses of snow on some runs. The M1 has 2 feet of compacted snow on now so no rocks showing through and the runs down F1 are said to be great especially the run immediately west of the F1 tow which had over 2 meters of snow on it!. Please take your cameras and if you get any good photos that you are happy for the Weardale Gazette to use then please can you send me a copy?
I have just been informed that the snow plough will be coming through late morning on Wednesday and will plough the top car park so PLEASE DO NOT PARK THERE until he has been and ploughed it. Please park in the lower car park and you will need to make sure you have left enough space for the snow plough to get through otherwise I am informed he will tow the offending car out! The plough will be travelling from Teesdale across to Weardale so has no option but to get through.
Mike has spent the day pisting the slopes and reports masses of snow on some runs. The M1 has 2 feet of compacted snow on now so no rocks showing through and the runs down F1 are said to be great especially the run immediately west of the F1 tow which had over 2 meters of snow on it!. Please take your cameras and if you get any good photos that you are happy for the Weardale Gazette to use then please can you send me a copy?
snow report 22 Jan
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
A fell and road inspection has taken place today and Mike has also pisted the runs and reports great conditions. The road has been ploughed but I am told that the last mile or so is comprised of packed snow so chains or 4WD will be essential tomorrow. Although the road has been ploughed the car parking area has not been ploughed so you will need to take a shovel and dig in to park. Please park facing forwards as close to the fence as you can get at a 45 degree angle and ensure you do not block the road. We are planning to open tomorrow (Wednesday) from 10am. Day members are welcome but please print off the day membership form from the website and bring it along with the correct payment. Please find a tow operator (in bright dayglow jackets) and pay before skiing. There will be checks on tickets throughout the day so keep hold of your receipt. Members can make this process easier by displaying their membership cards - we have a supply of plastic arm bands to hold them if needed - just ask one of the tow operators if you want one.
Sharing cars tomorrow may be a good idea, especially if you don't have chains or don't know how to use them. Hitching from the bottom of the road is generally very easy and most skiers will offer you a lift if they have space. Another option is to use our facebook site for lift sharing (or twitter). Stuart Marlow from Whitley Bay is hoping to attend tomorrow and is keen to get a lift with someone (either from Whitley Bay or Daddry Shield) so if you can offer him a lif his email address is -
If you want to see what conditions are like take a look at todays webcam photo from F2 taken at 13:11. Unfortunately the other camera would not behave and take a picture.
A fell and road inspection has taken place today and Mike has also pisted the runs and reports great conditions. The road has been ploughed but I am told that the last mile or so is comprised of packed snow so chains or 4WD will be essential tomorrow. Although the road has been ploughed the car parking area has not been ploughed so you will need to take a shovel and dig in to park. Please park facing forwards as close to the fence as you can get at a 45 degree angle and ensure you do not block the road. We are planning to open tomorrow (Wednesday) from 10am. Day members are welcome but please print off the day membership form from the website and bring it along with the correct payment. Please find a tow operator (in bright dayglow jackets) and pay before skiing. There will be checks on tickets throughout the day so keep hold of your receipt. Members can make this process easier by displaying their membership cards - we have a supply of plastic arm bands to hold them if needed - just ask one of the tow operators if you want one.
Sharing cars tomorrow may be a good idea, especially if you don't have chains or don't know how to use them. Hitching from the bottom of the road is generally very easy and most skiers will offer you a lift if they have space. Another option is to use our facebook site for lift sharing (or twitter). Stuart Marlow from Whitley Bay is hoping to attend tomorrow and is keen to get a lift with someone (either from Whitley Bay or Daddry Shield) so if you can offer him a lif his email address is -
If you want to see what conditions are like take a look at todays webcam photo from F2 taken at 13:11. Unfortunately the other camera would not behave and take a picture.
Monday, 21 January 2013
snow report 21 Jan
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
Finally we have won the snow lottery. We have had heavy snow all day today in Weardale with about 12 inches in Stanhope. More snow is forecast tonight before drying up a bit. There have also been strong winds so there will be a lot of drifting snow and the access road is likely to be impassable for Tuesday so at this moment we are not planning to run tomorrow. If we can get acess to the slopes we may try and piste some of the snow for Wednseday when we are planning to open from 10am. However please check the answerphone before travelling as conditons can alter very quickly.
Due to the drifting snow it is quite likely that you will have to dig in to park so please ensure that you have a good shovel at least in your boot and if possible try and share lifts.
Happy skiing
Finally we have won the snow lottery. We have had heavy snow all day today in Weardale with about 12 inches in Stanhope. More snow is forecast tonight before drying up a bit. There have also been strong winds so there will be a lot of drifting snow and the access road is likely to be impassable for Tuesday so at this moment we are not planning to run tomorrow. If we can get acess to the slopes we may try and piste some of the snow for Wednseday when we are planning to open from 10am. However please check the answerphone before travelling as conditons can alter very quickly.
Due to the drifting snow it is quite likely that you will have to dig in to park so please ensure that you have a good shovel at least in your boot and if possible try and share lifts.
Happy skiing
Sunday, 20 January 2013
snow report 20 Jan
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
Another great day was had today with approximately 100 skiers and boarders turning up and enjoying some extra snow to freshen up the runs. The extra snow meant that the M1 was skiable though still a bit rocky and we managed to piste more of F2 and over towards the gully to give more variety. It was certainly easier skiing today than yesterday. I am pleased to report the parking was excellent - thanks to all. The rules we have in place have been developed over the 49 year history of WSC and are not just arbitary. Reversing into a space can hold up cars on the hill who may then not be able to get traction to start going again and this can have a knock on effect. Also the road is usually clearer after a days skiing making it easier to do all the manouvering then at a time when others are usually around to help if you get stuck. One car getting stuck early in the day can be very frustrating for all those behind.
Anyway enough of that and onto the skiing. We are expecting heavy snow tomorrow and lighter snow on Tuesday. We will not be opening on Monday this week, Tuesday is a remote possibility but Wednesday is a near certainty and promises to be excellent.
Kevin has uploaded another video onto Youtube from todays skiing if you want to have a look and see what it was like - link below:-
Those of you who read the Guardian may have seen read this report below from the Saturday edition which talks about all the ski clubs in England, the ain photo coming from F1 just below our club house Here is a link to the online version:-
Another great day was had today with approximately 100 skiers and boarders turning up and enjoying some extra snow to freshen up the runs. The extra snow meant that the M1 was skiable though still a bit rocky and we managed to piste more of F2 and over towards the gully to give more variety. It was certainly easier skiing today than yesterday. I am pleased to report the parking was excellent - thanks to all. The rules we have in place have been developed over the 49 year history of WSC and are not just arbitary. Reversing into a space can hold up cars on the hill who may then not be able to get traction to start going again and this can have a knock on effect. Also the road is usually clearer after a days skiing making it easier to do all the manouvering then at a time when others are usually around to help if you get stuck. One car getting stuck early in the day can be very frustrating for all those behind.
Anyway enough of that and onto the skiing. We are expecting heavy snow tomorrow and lighter snow on Tuesday. We will not be opening on Monday this week, Tuesday is a remote possibility but Wednesday is a near certainty and promises to be excellent.
Kevin has uploaded another video onto Youtube from todays skiing if you want to have a look and see what it was like - link below:-
Those of you who read the Guardian may have seen read this report below from the Saturday edition which talks about all the ski clubs in England, the ain photo coming from F1 just below our club house Here is a link to the online version:-
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Fwd: snow update 19 Jan
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steve Lumb <>
Date: Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 8:30 PM
Subject: snow update 19 Jan
To: Ski Weardale <>
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
I am pleased to report another good days skiing today. We missed most of the heavy snow that fell down the east coats but got enough to freshen the runs and about 150 people turned up and had a great day. Again the snow cover was thin but skied very well and was helped by the fact that we managed to piste some of F2 which made that a lot easier to ski on. If you want to have a look at what conditions were like then Kevin has added a short video to his Youtube account which can be seen at this link -
If anyone has any good photos from this week, Anita, from the Weardale Gazette is looking for some for an article - please send me any you think she may be able to use.
We are planning to open again tomorrow (Sunday) from 10am but may close a little early if the snow gets too thin - I don't think any is forecast overnight but there is heavy snow forecast early next week so we may be skiing Tuesday/Wednesday with luck.
The Road - the trip up to WSC is part of the adventure and the road has claimed many victims over the years. Today a Freelander got stuck in a ditch when he tried to pull over to allow someone to pass. Fortunately he was pulled out and Mark passes his thanks on to those who helped him.This is a not uncommon scenario and it is often the larger 4wd vehicles that pull over to allow another car past. The road is very narrow and has few passing points and the ditch is often hidden by snow so it is always sensible to reverse one of the cars until you find a gate or farm entrance where you are guaranteed solid ground. Even the local farmers wife, who knows the road as well as anyone, ended up with her quad bike in the ditch last year (with me on the back) much to her husbands amusement, purely because there was so much snow we could not see where the road was.
The parking - Sorry to harp on about this every year but the parking space is very limited, even though we extended the parking last year. There are a few rules to parking that you should have all received when you joined which should be followed by everyone please. Firstly park at an angle to the fence as close as possible to avoid blocking the road. DO NOT REVERSE in as this can cause chaos, especially if cars behind you have to stop and then can have great difficulty getting going again. Do not worry about getting stuck, we will not leave you there and there is always someone that will help you get out if you have problems. Secondly park close together to maximise the use of the limited space. Thirdly do not block the fell entrance gate as this is the emergency vehicles only way onto the fell, and for that matter do not block any other gates as the farmer needs access to them all. Finally please ensure you are prepared for the worst and have snow or winter tyres on as a minimum, snow chains can be bought for as little as £19 from Lidl I am told and always remember the shovel and a few old blankets. Unfortunately one person failed to park sensibly today and created a lot of hassle by blocking the road. This meant that several members could not get past and had to take long diversions and one car tried to squeeze past and ended up in a ditch and causing quite a bit of damage to his car. Attached is a photo of the offending car and there is a marker post showing the edge of the road. I am told there was plenty of space behind the car to reverse further. I don't know whose car it was but please try and be more thoughtful in future.
Finally - Reynolds outdoor have some good offers on for some ski equipment at very good prices - attached is a spreadsheet of skis and boots they have for sale - if interested please contact them directly.
From: Steve Lumb <>
Date: Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 8:30 PM
Subject: snow update 19 Jan
To: Ski Weardale <>
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
I am pleased to report another good days skiing today. We missed most of the heavy snow that fell down the east coats but got enough to freshen the runs and about 150 people turned up and had a great day. Again the snow cover was thin but skied very well and was helped by the fact that we managed to piste some of F2 which made that a lot easier to ski on. If you want to have a look at what conditions were like then Kevin has added a short video to his Youtube account which can be seen at this link -
If anyone has any good photos from this week, Anita, from the Weardale Gazette is looking for some for an article - please send me any you think she may be able to use.

We are planning to open again tomorrow (Sunday) from 10am but may close a little early if the snow gets too thin - I don't think any is forecast overnight but there is heavy snow forecast early next week so we may be skiing Tuesday/Wednesday with luck.
The Road - the trip up to WSC is part of the adventure and the road has claimed many victims over the years. Today a Freelander got stuck in a ditch when he tried to pull over to allow someone to pass. Fortunately he was pulled out and Mark passes his thanks on to those who helped him.This is a not uncommon scenario and it is often the larger 4wd vehicles that pull over to allow another car past. The road is very narrow and has few passing points and the ditch is often hidden by snow so it is always sensible to reverse one of the cars until you find a gate or farm entrance where you are guaranteed solid ground. Even the local farmers wife, who knows the road as well as anyone, ended up with her quad bike in the ditch last year (with me on the back) much to her husbands amusement, purely because there was so much snow we could not see where the road was.
The parking - Sorry to harp on about this every year but the parking space is very limited, even though we extended the parking last year. There are a few rules to parking that you should have all received when you joined which should be followed by everyone please. Firstly park at an angle to the fence as close as possible to avoid blocking the road. DO NOT REVERSE in as this can cause chaos, especially if cars behind you have to stop and then can have great difficulty getting going again. Do not worry about getting stuck, we will not leave you there and there is always someone that will help you get out if you have problems. Secondly park close together to maximise the use of the limited space. Thirdly do not block the fell entrance gate as this is the emergency vehicles only way onto the fell, and for that matter do not block any other gates as the farmer needs access to them all. Finally please ensure you are prepared for the worst and have snow or winter tyres on as a minimum, snow chains can be bought for as little as £19 from Lidl I am told and always remember the shovel and a few old blankets. Unfortunately one person failed to park sensibly today and created a lot of hassle by blocking the road. This meant that several members could not get past and had to take long diversions and one car tried to squeeze past and ended up in a ditch and causing quite a bit of damage to his car. Attached is a photo of the offending car and there is a marker post showing the edge of the road. I am told there was plenty of space behind the car to reverse further. I don't know whose car it was but please try and be more thoughtful in future.
Finally - Reynolds outdoor have some good offers on for some ski equipment at very good prices - attached is a spreadsheet of skis and boots they have for sale - if interested please contact them directly.
Friday, 18 January 2013
snow update 18 Jan
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
Sadly the heavy snow seems to have missed us so far with only a light covering so far in Weardale but with the possibility of more later tonight. It may be enough to freshen up the runs and the ground is certainly hard enough but if the extra snow is very thin then it may well get worn quite quickly. We are planning to open tomorow, Saturday, at 10am so if you are intending to come up do not leave it too late as we may close early. Please remember that weekends are for members only so please do not turn up and hope to be allowed to ski as a day members. We will be running regular checks on membership cards so if you can display your cards on the outside of your jacket that would make life a lot easier for the tow operators and stop you having to fumble around for them!
Hopefully the road wont be too bad but always be prepared. It might be worth checking the webcam in the morning before travelling once it updates at about 8:30am.
Sadly the heavy snow seems to have missed us so far with only a light covering so far in Weardale but with the possibility of more later tonight. It may be enough to freshen up the runs and the ground is certainly hard enough but if the extra snow is very thin then it may well get worn quite quickly. We are planning to open tomorow, Saturday, at 10am so if you are intending to come up do not leave it too late as we may close early. Please remember that weekends are for members only so please do not turn up and hope to be allowed to ski as a day members. We will be running regular checks on membership cards so if you can display your cards on the outside of your jacket that would make life a lot easier for the tow operators and stop you having to fumble around for them!
Hopefully the road wont be too bad but always be prepared. It might be worth checking the webcam in the morning before travelling once it updates at about 8:30am.
Thursday, 17 January 2013
WSC on Sky TV
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
Hope you are all set for the heavy downfall of snow that the weathermen have been going on about for days - I do hope it is not another red herring like we have had so many times before. If it does arrive then conditions could be good for the weekend. To wet your appetites Sky TV dropped in on Wednesday and took some footage of WSC and interviewed a few of us - it can be watched on
A pair of dearly loved ski poles were lost on Tuesday by Lyn - blue and silver with black grips and no straps. She left them by the car park - if anyone found them please can you let me know. They are 30 years old but close to her heart I am told!
Hope you are all set for the heavy downfall of snow that the weathermen have been going on about for days - I do hope it is not another red herring like we have had so many times before. If it does arrive then conditions could be good for the weekend. To wet your appetites Sky TV dropped in on Wednesday and took some footage of WSC and interviewed a few of us - it can be watched on
A pair of dearly loved ski poles were lost on Tuesday by Lyn - blue and silver with black grips and no straps. She left them by the car park - if anyone found them please can you let me know. They are 30 years old but close to her heart I am told!
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
snow update 15 Jan
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
A good days skiing was had by about 40 members today. There was no fresh snow but temperatures down to -7 or 8 last night ensured the snow stayed and the pistes were a lot firmer and faster than yesterday. F2 ran for an hour or so but the snow conditions high up were challenging to say the least so most people remained on F1 all day which was great and ran non stop from 10am until 3pm. The weather held out and although it was cold there was little wind and plenty of sun. By the end of the day the runs were getting a little bare and also icy but will be ideal as soon as they are topped up with an inch or two of the fresh stuff. We are not planning to open on Thursday but if the predicted snow falls on Friday it is looking good for the weekend. We had a few day visitors today who seemed to enjoy themselves but please remember that weekend skiing is reserved for members only. In the past we have had to turn away day visitors who turn up at weekends and it is difficult to do after usually quite a long journey but being able to ski at weekends is one of the main benefits of being a member. We will be checking all ski passes this weekend. We do have about 50 memberships still unfilled but expect those to disappear pretty quickly over the next few days.
For a taster of what conditions have been like I will try and post a few photos on the WSC Facebook page and you should also be able to see some footage taken by a Sky TV reporter from Tyne-Tees on the internet including an interview with a few of us. There was also an interview on Radio Newcastle tonight just before 5pm which may be accessible on the internet - all good publicity for us. I haven't managed to find either yet though!
Hopefully see some of you this weekend.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
snow update 15 jan
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
About 50 people enjoyed a day skiing on Swinhope Moor today and enjoyed good weather though the snow was not as good as expected. F1 was ski-able but F2 was fairly thin with a lot of stones showing through on the M1 run. The temperatures however have plummeted and are below -3 in Stanhope and forecast to fall much lower overnight which should make the runs faster than today and hopefully will improve conditions. We are planning to open tomorrow Wednesday 16 January from 10am but may close early depending on conditions. This time of year we do tend to start shutting down around 3pm so that we can clear the fell before darkness falls, tomorrow may well be earlier so do not turn up at 2pm!
One member today took his dog onto the fells with him which is against the agreement we have with the landowners who specifically have banned all dogs. Please will you all adhere to this rule otherwise we run the risk of losing the excellent relationship we have with our landlords and possible putting our lease at risk.
We will accept day members tomorrow but as previously stated please print off the day membership form from the membership page of the website and complete it before travelling and bring along the correct money. Please do not ski until you have seen one of the tow operators (we stand out in bright orange jackets!).
On a positive note, heavy snow is forecast on thursday night and all day friday with dry weather over the weekend which is looking very promising indeed
About 50 people enjoyed a day skiing on Swinhope Moor today and enjoyed good weather though the snow was not as good as expected. F1 was ski-able but F2 was fairly thin with a lot of stones showing through on the M1 run. The temperatures however have plummeted and are below -3 in Stanhope and forecast to fall much lower overnight which should make the runs faster than today and hopefully will improve conditions. We are planning to open tomorrow Wednesday 16 January from 10am but may close early depending on conditions. This time of year we do tend to start shutting down around 3pm so that we can clear the fell before darkness falls, tomorrow may well be earlier so do not turn up at 2pm!
One member today took his dog onto the fells with him which is against the agreement we have with the landowners who specifically have banned all dogs. Please will you all adhere to this rule otherwise we run the risk of losing the excellent relationship we have with our landlords and possible putting our lease at risk.
We will accept day members tomorrow but as previously stated please print off the day membership form from the membership page of the website and complete it before travelling and bring along the correct money. Please do not ski until you have seen one of the tow operators (we stand out in bright orange jackets!).
On a positive note, heavy snow is forecast on thursday night and all day friday with dry weather over the weekend which is looking very promising indeed
Monday, 14 January 2013
snow update monday 14 January
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
Happy New Year to everyone and hope you all had a lovely Christmas even though we had no snow. Fortunately we are back in favour with the snow gods and snow has fallen on + off all day today with more forecast tonight. We are planning to open tomorrow (Tuesday 15th January) from about 10 to 10:30am. We are uncertain what the skiing or road conditions are like so come prepared with snow shovel, snow tyres/chains etc and take care on the road. We will open to day members but please print off a day membership form from the website ( and complete it before travelling and please bring the correct money.
Snow and cold temperatures are forecast for the foreseeable time spreading into next week and beyond so we could be in for several days skiing and currently intend opening on Wednesday 16th January as well. As always the snow and conditions are variable and it is always worth checking the answerphone (01388 527527) before travelling and please always anticipate the worst and travel prepared.
Happy skiing
Happy New Year to everyone and hope you all had a lovely Christmas even though we had no snow. Fortunately we are back in favour with the snow gods and snow has fallen on + off all day today with more forecast tonight. We are planning to open tomorrow (Tuesday 15th January) from about 10 to 10:30am. We are uncertain what the skiing or road conditions are like so come prepared with snow shovel, snow tyres/chains etc and take care on the road. We will open to day members but please print off a day membership form from the website ( and complete it before travelling and please bring the correct money.
Snow and cold temperatures are forecast for the foreseeable time spreading into next week and beyond so we could be in for several days skiing and currently intend opening on Wednesday 16th January as well. As always the snow and conditions are variable and it is always worth checking the answerphone (01388 527527) before travelling and please always anticipate the worst and travel prepared.
Happy skiing
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