Friday, 6 December 2013
The Chaos offer this weekend

Friday, 29 November 2013
More great discounts for WSC members
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Correction to last nights email
The Weardale Ski Club LtdIn my email last night I attached a flyer from Snow + Rock stating that their discount night was on Wednesday 3 December. Fortunately Colin McMurray was on the ball and spotted the deliberate mistake. Snow + Rock have apologised and confirm that the date is Wednesday 4th December. They have sent me a new flyer but I haven't attached it as quite a few emails bounced last night due to the size of the attachments so some of you may be receiving this for the first time. If you need the attachments please email me and I will send them individually to you.The email below is the same as last night but date corrected.SteveWe had a good AGM which was well attended by 70-80 members who were treated to a very enjoyable talk on Volcano skiing in Chile by Peter Craggs and Traversing Greenland By Stu Gallagher - thanks to both of them and thanks to all who attended.Being a member of WSC not only provides fantastic value for money but also being a member entitles you to many great discounts and below are a few offers that have been presented to us.Our sponsors. Sally + Den from The Chaos in Darlington already offer members 10% discount on items in the shop and online as well as great deals on ski and board servicing and also hot wax and edging for only £10. They are now organising a special event on the weekend 7/8 December in their shop where they are offering WSC members 15% discount on 2014 stock with other items up to 60% off RRP. Not only that but the Sunday event is exclusive for WSC members and also provides a great opportunity for you to meet Sally and Den (+ Michael their latest addition to staff). Please see the attached flyer which has more details. I will send out discount codes later to members and please remember to take your WSC membership cards with you on the day.In addition North Face are offering a 30% discount to WSC members this weekend - see attached flyer which you will need to print off and take into the store.Also coming soon is the great Warren Miller film - Warren Miller Entertainment brings you its highly-anticipated 64th ski and snowboard film: Ticket to Ride. This year's movie takes fans on a journey to some of the world's most exotic destinations, including Switzerland's Jungfrau, Montana's Big Sky country, Iceland's Troll Peninsula and beyond. With goodies for every ticket holder and a prize draw every night, it's the perfect excuse to get together with your skiing buddies and get stoked for the season ahead! For tickets and details of the UK Ticket to Ride tour, visit http://www.warrenmiller.co.uk/ Locally the film is showing at Penrith on 29 November 7:30 (Rheged) and Durham Gale on 3 December 8pm - I already have tickets for Durham so hope to see a few of you on the night.Finally also on Wednesday 4 December Snow + Rock in Gateshead are having a special evening event for local ski clubs - again please read the attached flyer for more details if you are interested.Wow - all that before we even get skiing!!
Saturday, 9 November 2013
1st day skiing
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
AGM, Work Party and general update
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Big email extra!
sorry for such a big email but there is a lot to say.
Firstly membership is nearly full - we only have 80 places left before we close - an unprecedented demand - I am sure we will be full before the end of October so if you have not yet joined I would recommend doing so ASAP.

Big email!
Grant application - we have applied for a grant to get some equipment to help with snow fencing (deisel post hammer, augur etc) and the decision whether we get it depends on the number of votes we get. Voting takes place between 10am and 2pm in Wolsingham on Saturday 2 November and any member of the public can turn up and vote so if you are in and around the area then please try and pop in and vote for us. I will send an email out a few days before with more precise details
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Work party 29 September and skiandsnowboard offer

Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Work party Sunday 22 September
Monday, 2 September 2013
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
There have been a few delays getting the sport-Ident website see up with the discount code for existing members to renew but this should be resolved in the next couple of days. Sport-Ident will send out an email to the main contact in the next couple of days with the discount code on. Current members also have longer to renew than in my last email when I said that you had until the end of September to renew after which the late fee becomes payable. It is in fact the end of October when this becomes payable but guaranteed renewal runs out at the end of September when we open to new members. I apologize for any confusion which was caused by my haste to get away on holiday! If it makes you feel any better the temperature is 34 in Corfu and the Sea is gorgeous.
Monday, 26 August 2013
Work parties, membership renewal etc
I hope you have had (and are still having) a great summer. With the imminent return to school of children and the darkening nights thoughts are slowly turning back to skiing. Membership renewals open again on September 1st and like in recent years we are allowing existing members a month to renew and will guarantee them places up until the 1st October when it becomes a free for all and we open to non members on a first come first served basis. We offer a discount to all current members if they renew within September but after 1st October this is withdrawn and anyone joining then has to pay the same as new members. As all membership is now through Sportident there will be no exceptions to this so please ensure that you renew before 1st October - there is a direct link from the website which will open on 1st September. Please note that there will be a delay this year of 2-3 weeks sending out membership cards for those eager ones who join early, due to other committments.
Can I take this opportunity to welcome our new sponsors Sally & Den at The Chaos ( Darlington) who have kindly provided the cards and are also planning to offer some promotional events to WSC members with significant discounts. They also offer an excellent and very cheap ski and board servicing deal. (More details about the Chaos at later date). Thanks to all those others who expressed an interest in sponsoring us.
Work Parties - we have 2 planned on the last 2 Sundays in September (22 + 29th) both starting at 10am. We have a huge amount of work to be done before we can open and need as much support and help from you as possible. The jobs involve semi-skilled work on the engines, nmachinery etc and non skilled work on ditches, fence repairs, painting etc
Long Range Forecast - These are notoriously difficult in the UK but the UKweatherforecast site -http://www.ukweatherforecast.co.uk/category/long-range-weather/ - is predicting a colder than average January and February this season which looks promising. December is thought to be a bit milder but more variable. We shall see but if it follows the last few years patterns we might be in for another cracker!
Friday, 21 June 2013
Work party Sunday 23 June
Hi Everyone
The second Ski Club work party is on this Sunday (23rd).
We will be practicing pylon rescue techniques so, if you are a lift operator or wish to become one, then it is important that you know how to operate the new working at height equipment. There are also lots of other routine jobs which require constant attention, such as, fencing and painting and some vehicle maintenance etc.
The Club relies on volunteer help so please try to attend at least one work party per year if you can. It would be helpful to have some idea of how many people plan to attend the work party so please can you drop me an email if you intend to join us?
We will be meeting as usual in the car park at around 10 am
Hope to see you there.
Mike (Field Officer)Monday, 10 June 2013
WSC work parties
The next work party is being held on Sunday 23 June at 10am so I look forward to seeing the remaining 741 members there on the day!!
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Work parties
Friday, 31 May 2013
First summer work party Saturday 8 June
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
2 offers to WSC members
Firstly there is an offer to train with Britains No 1 slalom skier and Britains 1st ever Europa cup slalom champion at Silksworth on 31 May. Places are limited and there is not much time so if interested please contact them ASAP.
Secondly North Face have offered all members (and their friends and family) 30% discount over 3 days (30 may to 2 June) at vsarious stores, including theor Newcastle store. Details attached but remember you must print off the voucher (or be able to display it on your phone). You can print off as many vouchers as you want.
Finally the season of work parties is nearly upon us - in the next few days I will be sending out dates and details and it would be nice to see some of you attend. They are generally good fun and there is something for people of all abilities to do.

Friday, 17 May 2013
End of season bash
Saturday, 11 May 2013
End of season bash
Saturday, 13 April 2013
End of season fling
Friday, 12 April 2013
Final fling
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Snow update Thurs 11 April
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Snow report Wed 10 April
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Snow report Tues 9 April
Sunday, 7 April 2013
Ski Sunday report
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Sunday skiing
Friday, 5 April 2013
Skiing this weekend
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Snow update Thurs 4 April
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Snow update Wednesday 3 April

Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Great video footage
Midnight skiing
Monday, 1 April 2013
Delayed skiing Tuesday
Skiing tomorrow (Tuesday) will not start until 11am so please do not arrive too early - have a well deserved lie-in!
April fools day skiing
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Snow update Sunday 31 March
Saturday, 30 March 2013
Another epic day in the Weardale Alps
Friday, 29 March 2013
Snow report Easter Friday
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Snow heaven
A fantastic days skiing today with great snow everywhere and one of those days where you can ski literally anywhere with all the gullies filled and excellent wide pisted areas and loads of powder off piste. There were even significant periods of sunshine today which made up for the cold easterly winds. The kiteboarders were in great form today, shunning the road and kiting up from Westgate and producing some impressive aerobatic manouevres - I am sure some videos will find there way onto facebook and youtube in the next few days. The main gully was the best I have seen for years with big cornices and completely filled and skiable all the way down. The road was passable but still at risk if there is significant fresh snow. By the end of the day we were back to 90% tarmac bt that can change overnight so be prepared and ensure snow tyres or chains. The parking is very limited and also very deep snow so unless you get there early and find one of todays parking places you will have to dig in which can take time so make sure you have at least one decent shovel. Ensure that you dig in far enough off the road so you are not obstructing it and front in at an angle as close to the fence as possible. Don't worry about getting stuck,there will be plenty of people to help you get out atthe end of the day.
We are planning to open tomorrow (Thursday) from 10am and are also hoping to open Friday to Monday if the weather stays as it. We will accept day members on Thursday, Friday and Monday but Saturday and Sunday will be members only. Day members please print off the day membership form from the website and hand it to a Tow Operator before skiing - they will be pretty obvious with day glow orange jackets on saying Tow Operator!
Tomorrow we also have Channel 4 coming up to do some filming so if you see a camera pointing at you remember to smile!
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Snow update Tuesday 26 March
We are still not sure whether we can open tomorrow. The wind is forecast to drop a bit but there are further snow flurries forecast. The road has been ploughed leaving a very narrow route up which potentially will blow in if there is much wind or snow. There are drifts 6-7 foot deep which have been ploughed through but no turning points or passing places so if you meet another car it is a very long way to reverse. Someone is planning to go up in the morning and assess the road and will update the answerphone as soon as we know but it won't be before 10am. If we do open it will only be accessible to 4WD or 2WD with chains and you will need plenty of shovels to dig in as the parking is likely to be very restricted. Please do not try and to get up the road until the answerphone has been updated as one stuck car could be stuck for a very long time!
The cold weaher is due to last all over Easter so we are definitely hoping to open Friday and over the weekend if possible and this will give us more time to clear the route up.
Monday, 25 March 2013
Snow update Mon 25 March
The winds have persisted and there are still concerns about the road blocking so we are not planning to open on Tuesday but will reconsider as the week progresses and update as soon as conditions beome favourable.
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Snow update Sunday 24 March
It was a wise decision not to open today as it would have been mayhem on the road. John Carrick has done an excellent jobs digging out the road all the way up but the strong winds just blew a lot of it back in causing large drifts (one of which I got stuck in with my 4WD). There are strong easterly winds forecast all week but they drop a little on Tuesday and beyond so we hope to open on Tuesday 26 March and probably later in the week as well. It is looking promising for the Easter weekend and hopefully we will get several days then as well which will be a bonus. The answerphone will be updated regularly with our decisions once we see what conditions are like. Yad Moss had planned to open today but suffered the same fate with roads blocked so no skiing htere either.
On the fell there is loads of snow and 2 board members were up today and pisted a lot of the runs. They report all the gullies filled with massive cornices on Black scar leading to one of the first avalanche warnings at WSC for many years! All the runs are covered and with temperatures set to remain low all week things are looking promising.
For your information Nevisport in Newcastle is closing down and has a sale on currently with 25% off stock. Nevisport have sponsored our membership cards for many years and have been very supportive towards us, in the past sponsoring events like the Weardale Olympics etc - a shame to see them close.
Saturday, 23 March 2013
Snow update Saturday 23 March
The good news is that we have stacks of beautiful fresh powder snow and it is set to last for some time. The bad news is that the road has completely filled in and the snow plough only managed to get about 100m past Glenwhelt Farm and couldn't get any further due to the drifts of over 6 foot in places attached are a couple of photos just above Glenwhelt (the farm at the bottom of the long hill up to where it levels off). I have spoken to the snowplough driver and they will try again once the winds drop but it will need to be dug out and if the wind persists it is pointless as it will just fill in again. We are therefore not planning to open on Sunday or Monday but hopefully by Tuesday + Wednesday when the wind is predicted to start easing we may open. If things change in the meantime we will update the answerphone and this email. We may try and walk in tomorrow to get some pisting done as there must be huge drifts behind some of the snow fencing.
Frustrating I know but out of our hands. Yad Moss are hoping to open tomorrow from 10:30 if the roads are open.Currently however I believe all the roads from Weardale to Teesdale are closed so you will have to go the long way round.
When we do finally open can I send a message out to all snowboarders about the tows. Being a snowboarder myself (currently reformed and back on skis) I appreciate that our tows are difficult to master on a board but it is very important to try and keep to the tow line and not veer out too far to the side. There is a real risk of pulling the rope of the runners, especially if there are several boarders in quick succession, so please try and stay as close to the tow line as possible. We will do our best to flatten the towline to make it easier. If the rope does come off it is a big inconvenience at best but at worst is potentially dangerous.

Friday, 22 March 2013
Snow update Friday 22 March
Due to forecast of strong winds and drifting snow we are not planning to open the lifts tomorrow (Saturday 23) but will reassess the situation tomorrow. If the winds are lighter than expected there is a remote possibility we will open tomorrow and if so will update the answerphone. We will try and open on Sunday if the weather forecast improves but the winds seem set to remain so even Sunday may not be possible. I will update this and the facebook site tomorrow.
Although we have had some snow in Stanhope today there has been little although I believe there has been more further up the dale. However a shortage of snow is not an issue as there is still a huge amount up there, we just need some decent weather to enjoy it. In case you are not aware there are a few issues with strong winds. Not only are they unpleasant but there is a potential risk of the tow rope coming off the running wheels which is at best an inconvenience but at worst a danger. There is also significant risk of drifting snow blocking the road when there is so much snow about - even when the road has been plough it can blow in and block easily.
Fingers crossed for Sunday.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Snow update Thursday 21 March
An absolutely superb day was had by about 60 members today in alpine conditions with wall to wall powder, no wind and blue skies. The type of day you only get once a year and guess who was working, propping up the NHS, whilst you lot were out enjoying it - not that I feel bitter or miffed at all. For those of you who missed today Graham Tibbot has uploded a brief video on the unofficial WSC facebook site which is well worth looking at - thanks Graham for rubbing it in!
Tomorrow is forecast up to a foot or more of new snow but also increasing winds so skiing unfortunately is not planned for Friday and as high winds look set to persist into Saturday it is unlikely we will ski then but if things change then I will send out a new email and the answerphone will be update. I am hoping that if the winds die off by Sunday we may open then but will know nearer the time. There is currently a mountain full of snow there and with much more predicted we should get a few more good days in over the next week or so.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Snow update Wed 20 March
Sorry for the late email but I gather a report has already been sent out to some of you about skiing tomorrow but not others so I apologise for any duplication. The forecast is very good for tomorrow with sunshine and stacks of snow so we are planning to open on Thursday from 10am. It may be busy so please park as sensibly as possible at an angle to the fence on the left. Not sure what the road will be like but take all usual precautions and make sure you pack a shovel. Day members welcome if you print off a form from the website and take it along with you with the correct fee and hand in to a tow operator before skiing.
Have a great day
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Snow update Tuesday 19 March
A good days skiing was had today with very good snow and deep powder all over F2. The gullies were all filled and everywhere was skiable. The only issue was visibilty which was poor though ironically it did improve a little as we packed up around 3pm. The snow in the morning was light but got a bit heavier mid afternoon but again by the time we were leaving was drying up a bit and getting faster again. Steve G spent most of the day pisting and got at least 6 runs prepared for the rest of the week. "Keeno of the day award" must go to Richard Dobson who cycled up on his mountain bike with blades strapped on and boots hanging over the frame!
Due to a poor forecast tomorrow we are NOT planning to open on Wednesday but hope to do so on Thursday if the predicted improvement in the weather occurs. Please however check the answerphone regularly as things may change. Yad Moss are planning to open tomorrow from 10:30 if you were planning a day out - remember to take your WSC cards. Day members will be welcome on Thursday.
Monday, 18 March 2013
Snow update Mon 18 March
We did ski today and there is plenty of snow but today it was very wet and weather conditions today were not good. There are mixed reports for tomorrow so we intend to open (from 10am) but may close early (1pm'ish) if conditions are not favourable and aim to do a lot of pisting to prepare the slopes for Wednesday and Thursday when conditions are predicted to be better. There were some problems today getting the lifts de-iced and running and we pass on our apologies to the air who turned up when F1 was not running and left without skiing. It won't help to tell you F1 was fixed shortly after! There were also issues with F2 I believe but we should hopefully resolve that tomorrow.
In summary, turn up tomorrow if you wish but please do not turn up late as we may close early depending on conditions. Wednesday and Thursday do look better bets!
ps - thanks to those who commented on my last email. Plans for a chairlift are fictional only and not a realistic plan though I did get an email from Gearge Proud, one of our earlier members, who tells me that in the early days of WSC one committee member drew up plans for a chairlift from the village of Westgate all the way to the slopes. Now that really would solve all the issues concerning the road up and the parking! Needless to say the plans never got beyond the planning stage so don't get too excited.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Snow update Sun 17 March - late season snow
There has been some snow this weekend but up until know not really enough to ski on. However that seems to have changed and it is now snowing quite heavily with more forecast. We are therefore planning to open tomorrow (Monday 18 March) from about 10am and also plan to open Tuedsay and Wednesday at least if conditions remain favourable. The answerphone will be update daily which the latest news so please check before travelling. We are open to day visitors through the week but please print off the day membership form from the website and bring it with you. Please hand this in to a tow operator before skiing. There have been a few people recently trying to get away without paying so we will be doing extra checks. To make it easier to spot members it would help if you can display your membership card visibly
A few people have commented we should get a chairlift at Swinhope - below is a link sent to me by Mrs Charlie Scott-King. Watch the video and perhaps it will give you one of the many reasons we don't have one! Mind you some of those onesy ski suits could make a come back!!
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Snow update Tuesday 12 March
A good day skiing was had by about 20 people today but by the end of the day it was getting a bit thin and we have decided not to open the tows tomorrow. I believe Yad Moss are intending to open from 10:30am so if you are keen take your WSC membership card over the hill and say hello to our neighbours!
Monday, 11 March 2013
Snow update Monday 11 March
There has been further fresh snow today and temperatures are already sub-zero in Stanhope so we are planning to open the lifts tomorrow, Tuesday 12 March, from about 10am. We are not sure what conditions will be like although the webcam looks to have improved from the weekend when conditions were poor. There is a northerly wind forecast which is not usually pleasant for skiing at Swinhope and if conditions are not great we may close early so do not turn up late (ie get there before 12:00) as we may close early. Day members are welcome - usual rules apply. I will update this message tomorrow night to see whether we can ski Wednesday.
The road was quite snowy + icy on Sunday and with the wind blowing may be tricky in places so come prepared and ensure you put on your chains before starting if they are needed. 4wd / winter tyres should be ok.
Sunday, 10 March 2013
Snow update Sunday 10 March
We did ski today but the snow was disappointing and we only ran F1. We are not planning to open on Monday but Tuesday and Wednesday remain possibilities if we get fresh snow and I will keep you posted via email, Facebook and the answerphone.
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Snow update Saturday 9 March
There has been about 3" of fresh snow today and more is forecast tonight. In Stanhope the snow has been wet and has not lasted but further up the valley I am told it is still lying and there is more forecast overnight. Hopefully we will run tomorrow but expect to close early (between 1-2pm). We plan to open tomorrow from 10am but please check the webcam and answerphone before leaving. If conditions are looking unfavourable I will try and alter the answerphone message by 0830 - please note the new number 01388 317767e
Friday, 8 March 2013
Just as you thought winter was over snow is forecast this weekend and into next week. It is not clear yet whether there will be enough to ski on but we will keep you posted. However please note that the old answerphone which was causing a few problems has now been replaced with a new answering service. Unfortunatley we were unable to keep out old phone number so the new number is 01388 317767. The old answerphone will now direct caller to this new number. I believe this service is either free or local rates rather than premium rate (though have not had this confirmed yet !).
I doubt very much we will be skiing on Saturday but if the forecast snow arrives there is a possibility for Sunday just in time for Mothers Day!!! What better present for your Mother/Wife?
Sunday, 3 March 2013
Cheap ski trip
Sorry no snow to report but if anyone is interested in a fairly cheap holiday to Les Arcs then Roman Ivanec has emailed me with the offer below. Please note that is nothing to do with WSC so please don't reply to me but directly to Roman. No sign of any snow this week so make the most of the warmer temperatures. The following week we seem to be getting back to sub zero temperatures so perhaps we will get some more snow??
Steve, can you send an invitation to the club's members as I have an option on a cheap trip to les Arcs flying from Manchester and on a self catering basis.If 4 are in the party the cost will be £227 each plus ski carriage if desired at £35
Any takers contact Roman at roman.ivanec@ntlworld.com I need a response asap to book it as it is so close to the dateSunday, 24 February 2013
Snow report Sunday 24 Feb
A good day was had by about 150 people today. There was less snow than expected but both F1 + F2 were skiable and the smaller gullies proved very popular. The weather improved in the afternoon with better light and visibility and improved snow though it got pretty thin at the bottom of F1 by the end of the day (= "think mud"). Although there is a good base I doubt we will be skiing again until we get a further fall of snow. Winner of our keenest skier(s) of the day must go to the Ansell family who drove up from Essex for a day skiing and drove back again tonight - hope the roads were not too bad with all the holiday traffic. Sorry we couldn't give you better conditions but probably an accurate taste of a typical day skiing in Weardale.
There were a few beginner snowboarders today who really struggled with the tows, which admittedly were not easy today, but if you have never used a tow before it would make sense to go to a dry ski slope and practice on one of their tows first. Our tow is not bad for skiers but for boarders it is a bit harder though it does get easier with practice!
Saturday, 23 February 2013
Skiing Sunday 24th Feb
There has been fairly heavy snow falling most of Saturday with the possibility of more snow tonight so we are planning to open on Sunday from 10am. The webcam has shown significant snow remaining all week with bare patches and hopefully this snow will have filled in the gaps. Both tow lines have remained intact meaning both F1 and F2 should be skiable tomorrow. I am not sure what the road is like but anticipate in not being too bad but as usual take care and come prepared for the worst.
Sally, from The Chaos in Darlington has contacted me to promote her ski and snowboard shop and offer members of WSC a 10% discount on production of a valid membership card. They currently have some good sale offers on and are selling off some of their 2013 stock at a 25% discount. They also offer a very reasonably priced ski and snowboard service and hat wax and edging. Details below.
Happy skiing
56 Bondgate
Co Durham
01325 486868
The Chaos has been in Darlington since 2002, we are a rider owned store. Sally is a skier
who also rides snowboard, Den and Michael are both snowboarders.
We offer a full range to meet your snowboard requirements, Boards, Bindings, Boots and
all outerwear, technical clothing and protection. Our range includes items from brands
such as Burton, Ride, K2, Forum, RED, Anon, Dragon, Analog, DC and Special Blend.
We also offer Ski and Snowboard servicing and for £10 we are offering members a hot
wax and edging service.
Members are offered a 10% discount on items in the store and online (some sale items
may not be included) please contact us for more details.
We invite all Weardale ski club members to pop into the store to meet us and to view our
2013 season stock - we presently have a 25% reduction on all 2013 snow stock. If there is
anything you are looking for please do not hesitate to ask, if we can get it we will - Sally
takes it as a personal challenge to track down any requests we get.
New for 2013 is our Ladies section of snowboard clothing it is an area we would love to
grow, so let us know what you would like us to stock. For 2014, we are looking to include,
if possible, ski hardware.
Our aim will be to invite all members to a preview of the 2014 stock as it arrives in
September - more information will follow.
We look forward to meeting you, soon.
Sally, Den & Michael
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Not opening Thursday
Despite heavy snow today it has now turned to rain and forecast to get much milder tomorrow so a decision has been made not to open up. Sadly the temperature over the next few days suggests the snow is going to disappear pretty quickly. Sorry to disappoint.
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Snow report Tuesday 12 Feb
Another good day was had today with about 30 skiers + boarders enjoying good cover and reasonable weather. All that looks to change with heavy snow and strong winds forecast tomorrow with significant risk of drifting so we are not planning to open on Wednesday. There is a possibility that we may open up on Thursday if conditions are suitable - the Answerphone will be udated it this is the case. Sadly warmer temperatures are predicted for the end of the week so the snow is likely to go fast.
Monday, 11 February 2013
Skiing Tuesday 12 Feb
We have found 2 tow operators so will be opening up on Tuesday from 10am. Day members are welcome but please download a day membership form and hand it in to a tow operator with the correct day fee and have a great day. The access road was clear today so should be OK tomorrow but always pack a shovel just in case.
Snow update Mon 11 Feb
A good day skiing was had by about 30 people today. Fresh snow spruced up the runs and both F1 and F2 had good cover. It was nice to see members coming up from York, Harrogate and Sheffield and pleased you all enjoyed it. They even got the rope tow operating for part of the day today opening the area out even more and giving a choice of 3 lifts - soon we will be competing with "Les Trois Vallees"! Thanks to those who helped set up the rope tow.
Not sure yet whether we will be opening on Tuesday - it all depends on whether we can get tow operators -but if we can the answerphone will be updated later tonight - 01388 527527
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Snow Update Sun 10 Feb
There has been some fresh snow in Weardale today and more is forecast this evening so we are planning to open up tomorrow (Monday 11 Feb) from 10am. I am not sure what conditions will be like but by all accounts the gullies were good fun on F2 on Friday and Saturday and they should be OK. Cover may be thin on F1 depending on how much snow we get tonight. We are open to day members tomorrow but please print off the day membership form from the website as usual and bring it along with the correct day fee and hand it in to a tow operator before skiing.
Saturday, 9 February 2013
Snow update Sat 9 Feb
Several skiers turned up today and enjoyed skiing on the upper slopes and the gullies, which I am told were good fun. The towlines were covered but F1 was fairly bare so no skiing was done lower down. There is snow forecast tomorrow which hopefully will freshen the slopes for next week but it is unlikely we will be skiing tomorrow unless there is significant snow overnight. If that is the case we will update the answerphone at 8:30 tomorrow.
Friday, 8 February 2013
Snow Update Friday 8 Feb
3 Tow operators attended today to do some pisting and flatten the tow lines which had significant drifting on them. Conditions were better than expected with some fresh snow cover but also some bare or thin patches on F1. F2 had better cover with the M1 having a good base and the gullies well filled with cornices and big drifts. Skiing is likely tomorrow but it is probably only going to be suitable for experienced skiers and we think the cover on F1 may wear thin pretty quickly. If you are a beginner or only tend to ski the lower slopes tomorrow is probably not a good day for you. Boarders should have fun in the gullies. More snow is forecast on Sunday + Monday so is looking good for next week
Please ring the answerphone (01388 527527) tomorrow before setting off to avoid disappointment. Members only tomorrow so please bring your membership cards and show them to an operator.
Yad Moss are opening tomorrow and have similar, perhaps slightly better cover, and members of WSC can ski there at a discounted rate of £10 on production of a membership card but they are not taking day members. Raise is also open but again do not accept day members.
Will update Saturday night about conditions and whether we open on Sunday
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
snow update 6 Feb
A small group of skiers braved a bitterley cold northerly wind today and had 3 hours of skiing at Swinhope. Conditions were pretty poor so you didn't miss much. There was plenty of drifted snow especially along the tow lines and on the M1 but the pistes had most of the snow blown off them but were still skiable in true "Weardale style" - who says you cannot ski on grass? There are no plans to open before the weekend but if we get some pisting done and there is even a small amount of fresh snow we may get some skiing in this weekend. The forecast for the next week or two is to remain very cold with the possibiity of more snow. So far we have had 11 days this season which is not bad for the beginning of February.
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Snow update 5 Feb
Well there's gratitude for you. I go on holiday for a week and leave you with absolutely fantastic snow conditions and when I return all gone! I hope those of you who made it on the Saturday had a truly good time as I hear conditions were perfect. Sadly the fickle nature of our weather system meant that most of it had gone by the next day leaving only a few thin runs which were not very well joined up but still enjoyed by a few optimists who turned up just in case we skied.
There has been snow today but this evening most of it seem to have melted. More is forecast overnight but it remains to be seen whether it arrives or not. It is currently looking very unlikely that we will ski tomorrow (Wednesday 6 Feb) but if you wake up and see snow when you open the curtains then try the answerphone after 8:30am for the latest information.
I have been informed tonight of the sad news of the death of a former WSC Chairman, Ramsay Dryden, who many of you will remember. Ramsay has been ill for a while and I am sure you will all join me in passing on our condolences to all his family. Ramsay was very involved with the club in the 1980's and 1990's and his brother Richard informs me that he still wears his bright Blue and Red ski suit!
Thursday, 24 January 2013
snow update 24 Jan
The snow apparently was great today and a lot faster than yesterday. Not quite as many people turned up but it was still very busy with someone driving up from Oxford and others from further afield as well - hows that for enthusiasm - hope you all enjoyed it would love some feedback from anyone who travelled that far. Whilst on the subject of travelling that far, when we recently applied for a grant to help with the purchase of the pistebasher we had to try and demonstrate that our ski club not only brings visitors into the area but also encourages use of local B+Bs etc. If anyone has travelled up for the purpose of skiing and stayed locally (Weardale or Teesdale) can you please drop me an email for our figures?
Although the snow is still very good we are getting very thin on tow operators and also the forecast for tomorrow is poor with strong winds and snow so we are NOT planning to open on Friday but hope to open on Saturday. I will be away for a week from tomorrow so no more emails until I return so please use the answerphone (01388 527527).
ps the parking was great today - thanks to everyone!
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
skiing report 23 Jan
Approximately 250 people attended today and enjoyed the snow. I haven't heard first hand what conditions were like but there are plans to open up again tomorrow (Thursday) from 10am. The last mile of the road is still difficult and 4wd or chains will be essential. Do not attempt the road without either or you may just end up stuck and causing problems.
Can the idiot who blocked the fell gate please not park there again as this is the only access for emergency services if we have a seriously injured skier - remember it could be you. If the emergency services need to access the fell and a car is blocking the entrance it will be removed and and quite likely be damaged in the process but more seriously for others it could delay access to an injured skier. Please please please park sensibly and DO NOT BLOCK ANY ENTRANCES. I apologise to the 249 sensible skiers for sounding off like this and I do realise that sometimes there are not enough spaces to park but if that is the case you will simply have to drive back down the road, dig in somewhere safe and walk back. I am not just in a bad mood because I had to work today and tomorrow honestly!
Again we welcome day members tomorrow and once again can any day member please print off and complete the form from the website and bring it along with the correct payment.
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Imortant message for skiers Wednesday 23 Jan
I have just been informed that the snow plough will be coming through late morning on Wednesday and will plough the top car park so PLEASE DO NOT PARK THERE until he has been and ploughed it. Please park in the lower car park and you will need to make sure you have left enough space for the snow plough to get through otherwise I am informed he will tow the offending car out! The plough will be travelling from Teesdale across to Weardale so has no option but to get through.
Mike has spent the day pisting the slopes and reports masses of snow on some runs. The M1 has 2 feet of compacted snow on now so no rocks showing through and the runs down F1 are said to be great especially the run immediately west of the F1 tow which had over 2 meters of snow on it!. Please take your cameras and if you get any good photos that you are happy for the Weardale Gazette to use then please can you send me a copy?
snow report 22 Jan
A fell and road inspection has taken place today and Mike has also pisted the runs and reports great conditions. The road has been ploughed but I am told that the last mile or so is comprised of packed snow so chains or 4WD will be essential tomorrow. Although the road has been ploughed the car parking area has not been ploughed so you will need to take a shovel and dig in to park. Please park facing forwards as close to the fence as you can get at a 45 degree angle and ensure you do not block the road. We are planning to open tomorrow (Wednesday) from 10am. Day members are welcome but please print off the day membership form from the skiweardale.com website and bring it along with the correct payment. Please find a tow operator (in bright dayglow jackets) and pay before skiing. There will be checks on tickets throughout the day so keep hold of your receipt. Members can make this process easier by displaying their membership cards - we have a supply of plastic arm bands to hold them if needed - just ask one of the tow operators if you want one.
Sharing cars tomorrow may be a good idea, especially if you don't have chains or don't know how to use them. Hitching from the bottom of the road is generally very easy and most skiers will offer you a lift if they have space. Another option is to use our facebook site for lift sharing (or twitter). Stuart Marlow from Whitley Bay is hoping to attend tomorrow and is keen to get a lift with someone (either from Whitley Bay or Daddry Shield) so if you can offer him a lif his email address is - stuart.marlow@btinternet.com
If you want to see what conditions are like take a look at todays webcam photo from F2 taken at 13:11. Unfortunately the other camera would not behave and take a picture.
Monday, 21 January 2013
snow report 21 Jan
Finally we have won the snow lottery. We have had heavy snow all day today in Weardale with about 12 inches in Stanhope. More snow is forecast tonight before drying up a bit. There have also been strong winds so there will be a lot of drifting snow and the access road is likely to be impassable for Tuesday so at this moment we are not planning to run tomorrow. If we can get acess to the slopes we may try and piste some of the snow for Wednseday when we are planning to open from 10am. However please check the answerphone before travelling as conditons can alter very quickly.
Due to the drifting snow it is quite likely that you will have to dig in to park so please ensure that you have a good shovel at least in your boot and if possible try and share lifts.
Happy skiing
Sunday, 20 January 2013
snow report 20 Jan
Another great day was had today with approximately 100 skiers and boarders turning up and enjoying some extra snow to freshen up the runs. The extra snow meant that the M1 was skiable though still a bit rocky and we managed to piste more of F2 and over towards the gully to give more variety. It was certainly easier skiing today than yesterday. I am pleased to report the parking was excellent - thanks to all. The rules we have in place have been developed over the 49 year history of WSC and are not just arbitary. Reversing into a space can hold up cars on the hill who may then not be able to get traction to start going again and this can have a knock on effect. Also the road is usually clearer after a days skiing making it easier to do all the manouvering then at a time when others are usually around to help if you get stuck. One car getting stuck early in the day can be very frustrating for all those behind.
Anyway enough of that and onto the skiing. We are expecting heavy snow tomorrow and lighter snow on Tuesday. We will not be opening on Monday this week, Tuesday is a remote possibility but Wednesday is a near certainty and promises to be excellent.
Kevin has uploaded another video onto Youtube from todays skiing if you want to have a look and see what it was like - link below:-
Those of you who read the Guardian may have seen read this report below from the Saturday edition which talks about all the ski clubs in England, the ain photo coming from F1 just below our club house Here is a link to the online version:-
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Fwd: snow update 19 Jan
From: Steve Lumb <steve.lumb@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 8:30 PM
Subject: snow update 19 Jan
To: Ski Weardale <skiweardale@googlemail.com>
The Weardale Ski Club Ltd
I am pleased to report another good days skiing today. We missed most of the heavy snow that fell down the east coats but got enough to freshen the runs and about 150 people turned up and had a great day. Again the snow cover was thin but skied very well and was helped by the fact that we managed to piste some of F2 which made that a lot easier to ski on. If you want to have a look at what conditions were like then Kevin has added a short video to his Youtube account which can be seen at this link - http://youtu.be/czpMTGGL4MU
If anyone has any good photos from this week, Anita, from the Weardale Gazette is looking for some for an article - please send me any you think she may be able to use.

We are planning to open again tomorrow (Sunday) from 10am but may close a little early if the snow gets too thin - I don't think any is forecast overnight but there is heavy snow forecast early next week so we may be skiing Tuesday/Wednesday with luck.
The Road - the trip up to WSC is part of the adventure and the road has claimed many victims over the years. Today a Freelander got stuck in a ditch when he tried to pull over to allow someone to pass. Fortunately he was pulled out and Mark passes his thanks on to those who helped him.This is a not uncommon scenario and it is often the larger 4wd vehicles that pull over to allow another car past. The road is very narrow and has few passing points and the ditch is often hidden by snow so it is always sensible to reverse one of the cars until you find a gate or farm entrance where you are guaranteed solid ground. Even the local farmers wife, who knows the road as well as anyone, ended up with her quad bike in the ditch last year (with me on the back) much to her husbands amusement, purely because there was so much snow we could not see where the road was.
The parking - Sorry to harp on about this every year but the parking space is very limited, even though we extended the parking last year. There are a few rules to parking that you should have all received when you joined which should be followed by everyone please. Firstly park at an angle to the fence as close as possible to avoid blocking the road. DO NOT REVERSE in as this can cause chaos, especially if cars behind you have to stop and then can have great difficulty getting going again. Do not worry about getting stuck, we will not leave you there and there is always someone that will help you get out if you have problems. Secondly park close together to maximise the use of the limited space. Thirdly do not block the fell entrance gate as this is the emergency vehicles only way onto the fell, and for that matter do not block any other gates as the farmer needs access to them all. Finally please ensure you are prepared for the worst and have snow or winter tyres on as a minimum, snow chains can be bought for as little as £19 from Lidl I am told and always remember the shovel and a few old blankets. Unfortunately one person failed to park sensibly today and created a lot of hassle by blocking the road. This meant that several members could not get past and had to take long diversions and one car tried to squeeze past and ended up in a ditch and causing quite a bit of damage to his car. Attached is a photo of the offending car and there is a marker post showing the edge of the road. I am told there was plenty of space behind the car to reverse further. I don't know whose car it was but please try and be more thoughtful in future.
Finally - Reynolds outdoor have some good offers on for some ski equipment at very good prices - attached is a spreadsheet of skis and boots they have for sale - if interested please contact them directly.
Friday, 18 January 2013
snow update 18 Jan
Sadly the heavy snow seems to have missed us so far with only a light covering so far in Weardale but with the possibility of more later tonight. It may be enough to freshen up the runs and the ground is certainly hard enough but if the extra snow is very thin then it may well get worn quite quickly. We are planning to open tomorow, Saturday, at 10am so if you are intending to come up do not leave it too late as we may close early. Please remember that weekends are for members only so please do not turn up and hope to be allowed to ski as a day members. We will be running regular checks on membership cards so if you can display your cards on the outside of your jacket that would make life a lot easier for the tow operators and stop you having to fumble around for them!
Hopefully the road wont be too bad but always be prepared. It might be worth checking the webcam in the morning before travelling once it updates at about 8:30am.
Thursday, 17 January 2013
WSC on Sky TV
Hope you are all set for the heavy downfall of snow that the weathermen have been going on about for days - I do hope it is not another red herring like we have had so many times before. If it does arrive then conditions could be good for the weekend. To wet your appetites Sky TV dropped in on Wednesday and took some footage of WSC and interviewed a few of us - it can be watched on http://tyneandwear.sky.com/news/article/53076
A pair of dearly loved ski poles were lost on Tuesday by Lyn - blue and silver with black grips and no straps. She left them by the car park - if anyone found them please can you let me know. They are 30 years old but close to her heart I am told!
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
snow update 15 Jan
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
snow update 15 jan
About 50 people enjoyed a day skiing on Swinhope Moor today and enjoyed good weather though the snow was not as good as expected. F1 was ski-able but F2 was fairly thin with a lot of stones showing through on the M1 run. The temperatures however have plummeted and are below -3 in Stanhope and forecast to fall much lower overnight which should make the runs faster than today and hopefully will improve conditions. We are planning to open tomorrow Wednesday 16 January from 10am but may close early depending on conditions. This time of year we do tend to start shutting down around 3pm so that we can clear the fell before darkness falls, tomorrow may well be earlier so do not turn up at 2pm!
One member today took his dog onto the fells with him which is against the agreement we have with the landowners who specifically have banned all dogs. Please will you all adhere to this rule otherwise we run the risk of losing the excellent relationship we have with our landlords and possible putting our lease at risk.
We will accept day members tomorrow but as previously stated please print off the day membership form from the membership page of the website and complete it before travelling and bring along the correct money. Please do not ski until you have seen one of the tow operators (we stand out in bright orange jackets!).
On a positive note, heavy snow is forecast on thursday night and all day friday with dry weather over the weekend which is looking very promising indeed